Diplomarbeit DIP-2158

Zhang, Jing: Portal Page Composition for Documents Authored for Device Independent.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2158 (2004).
93 Seiten, englisch.

The aim of this thesis work is to integrate device independent features with Websphere Portal Server (WPS), especially using RlML approach and to make portal pages available to various devices with different capabilities. RlML approach is one of the results bought by the EU project (CONSENSUS) in which IBM Boeblingen lab participated. The approach implements concepts of device independent authoring, which allows documents to be authored only once device independently. Adaptation methods provided by the approach will convert device independent documents into various device specific documents when they are required by devices. This thesis work consists of the investigation of this DIA approach, as well as another alternative approach, and the portal page generation flow provided by WPS, which is an IBM product for portal sever. Several adaptation models are designed for the DI portal page expected. WPS portal page generation flow and outputs of portlets are modified to generate portal pages as valid RlML documents instead of HTML documents generated normally. A RlML portal page containing several portlets is established as an example.

Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme, Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme
BetreuerErtl, Prof. Thomas; Dermler, Gabriel
Eingabedatum28. März 2024
Neuer Report   Neuer Artikel   Neues Sammelwerk   Institut   Informatik