Diplomarbeit DIP-2752

Boshmaf, Yazan: Development of an Advanced Configuration Algorithm for PCOM using Partial Application Configurations.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2752 (2008).
90 Seiten, englisch.
CR-Klassif.C.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
D.2.7 (Software Engineering Distribution, Maintenance, and Enhancement)
D.2.11 (Software Engineering Software Architectures)

Pervasive Computing, also known as Ubiquitous Computing, assumes an environment that provides a seamless support for everyday computing tasks and activities through the collaboration and cooperation of devices that are present in environment. Fluctuating availability of these devices, caused by device mobility and failures, demands the need for reliable algorithms that support runtime configuration and adaptation of pervasive applications. These algorithms have to adjust the applications to the changing environmental conditions with the least possible latency and without user intervention.

In this thesis, a new concept of high-quality Partial Application Configuration and Adaptation (PACA) of distributed pervasive applications is presented. This concept considers the results of previous configuration processes to reduce the number of calculations needed during an ongoing configuration and adaptation process on resource-limited devices. To realize this concept, a new advanced configuration algorithm has been developed that is enhanced with learning and exchange mechanisms along with a complete framework for distributed PACA processing. To verify the feasibility of this new approach, the algorithm has been integrated into PCOM, a distributed Java-based component system that was designed for pervasive computing, and evaluation results are presented based on real-world experiments showing a significant speedup of the configuration process especially for Smart Pervasive Environments that assume the existence of resource-rich infrastructure devices.

Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme
BetreuerSchuhmann, Stephan
Eingabedatum4. November 2008
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