Artikel in Tagungsband INPROC-2016-10

Stach, Christoph: Secure Candy Castle - A Prototype for Privacy-Aware mHealth Apps.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile Data Management.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik.
S. 361-364, englisch.
Porto: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, Juni 2016.
Artikel in Tagungsband (Demonstration).
CR-Klassif.K.4.1 (Computers and Society Public Policy Issues)
D.4.6 (Operating Systems Security and Protection)
K.8 (Personal Computing)
J.3 (Life and Medical Sciences)
KeywordsmHealth; privacy; diagnostic game; diabetes

Due to rising medical costs, the healthcare landscape is on the move. Novel treatment methods are badly required. Especially for the treatment of chronic diseases the usage of smart devices in combination with medical devices for telemedical screenings is a promising approach. If the patients are not in control of the collection and processing of their health data, privacy concerns limit their willingness to use such a method. In this paper, we present a prototype for an Android-based privacy-aware health game for children suffering from diabetes called Secure Candy Castle. In the game, the player keeps an electronic diabetes diary in a playful manner. In doing this, s/he is supported by various sensors. His or her data is analyzed and in case of a critical health condition, the game notifies authorized persons. With our approach, the user stays in control over his or her data, i.e., s/he defines which data should be shared with the game, how accurate this data should be, and even how the data is processed by the game. For this purpose, we apply the Privacy Management Platform, a fine-grained and extendable permission system.

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Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Anwendersoftware
Eingabedatum11. April 2016
   Publ. Institut   Publ. Informatik