Masterarbeit MSTR-2019-59

Rapp, Jan: Route planning based on destination signs in OpenStreetMap.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Masterarbeit Nr. 59 (2019).
49 Seiten, englisch.

This work uses destination signs to find and describe a route for the purpose of navigating a street graph. The description of a route in terms of a sequence of intermediate destinations could be: "Drive towards city A, then B, then C". Such directions are concise, easy to remember, and easy to communicate, especially when compared to commonly used turn-by-turn navigations. Ideally, along the route road signs exist that point the driver towards the intermedate destinations. This work extracts these so-called destination signs from OpenStreetMap data and assumes more destination signs at somewhat plausible locations to improve their connectivity. An overlay graph over the street graph is used to represent the location of, information on and connectivity between destination signs. With the overlay graph a route is generated that is described as sequence of intermediate destinations, with the guarantee that there are real or genreated destination signs along the route to guide the driver. Because destination signs are usually not available near the start and end of the route, turn-by-turn navigation is used for those segments.

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Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Formale Methoden der Informatik, Algorithmik
BetreuerFunke, Prof. Stefan; Barth, Florian
Eingabedatum9. Dezember 2019
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