Masterarbeit MSTR-2023-21

Bektas, Sabri: Application integration and team collaboration for process optimization in intralogistics.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Masterarbeit Nr. 21 (2023).
115 Seiten, englisch.

This work focuses on the potential benefits of integrating software applications and promoting team collaboration to enhance intralogistic processes at Robert Bosch GmbH in Feuerbach. The current study is a synthesis of a comprehensive review of pertinent literature and the practical application of an architectural framework. This research addresses the gap in literature, which lacks comprehensive guidelines for choosing software architecture approaches aligned with non-functional requirements. The objectives are to determine the necessary functionalities for an integrated solution, evaluate existing solutions and technical models, design a target architecture and provide practical guidelines for implementation. The key research question revolves around how already existing solutions can be integrated to enhance intralogistics processes. To achieve these objectives, a comprehensive literature review is conducted to identify suitable software architecture approaches. The study evaluates various methodologies, considering non-functional requirements, culminating in an architecture ranking matrix. Additionally, interviews with project teams and analysis of user stories guide architectural decisions. The research emphasizes the microservices architecture as the selected approach for seamless integration. The message of this research is that the microservices architecture offers a scalable, modular, and efficient solution for optimizing intralogistic processes. By integrating existing software solutions and fostering effective teamwork, organizations can achieve enhanced sustainability and customer experience. This research contributes valuable insights and practical recommendations for leveraging existing solutions to develop comprehensive and efficient intralogistics application systems. The proposed architecture serves as a template and guideline for the Virtual Development Team at Robert Bosch GmbH, facilitating the realization of an optimized and sustainable target system for intralogistics. The research emphasizes the microservices architecture as the selected approach for seamless integration.

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Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Simulationssoftwarebau
BetreuerUekermann, Jun.-Prof. Benjamin; Rassmann, Thomas
Eingabedatum19. September 2023
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