Masterarbeit MSTR-3407

Mahajan, Sumeet: Device Selection Algorithm for Mobile Traffic Offloading.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Masterarbeit Nr. 3407 (2013).
76 Seiten, deutsch.
CR-Klassif.C.2.1 (Network Architecture and Design)
C.2.2 (Network Protocols)
C.2.3 (Network Operations)
C.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
E.1 (Data Structures)


Aim of thesis is to reduce the data traffic from mobile network by exploiting Ad-hoc modes of communication. This can be achieved by sending message to few mobile nodes which will forward data to rest of the mobile nodes via Ad-hoc communication.

This thesis focuses on selection of those few mobile nodes (Target Set) which will receive message directly from mobile network and can effectively reduce the data traffic on mobile network by forwarding that message to many other mobile nodes via Ad-hoc communication. Thesis consists of two tasks. First task of thesis is to implement the concept of Mobile Traffic Offloading on android based smart phones using desktop as server and two smart phones as its clients. Second task of the thesis is to implement the same concept on a large scale with more scope for Target Set selection. Second task consists of five different approaches for the selection of Target Set of mobile. First approach is Random approach, in this approach server sends message to a randomly selected Target Set of mobile nodes from all available mobile nodes. Second and third approaches are Distance and Distance Extended. These approaches considers the euclidean distance between each pair of mobile nodes. Distance approach considers the current euclidean distance and checks the possibility of Ad-hoc communication. Distance Extended approach uses the current distance between the mobile nodes and also calculates the probabilistic future distance between mobile nodes. Fourth approach is Same Street, this approach considers the position of mobile nodes on the street map and uses that position to find Target Set of mobile nodes. Final approach of thesis is Path Length approach. This approach also is a map based approach and finds shortest distance between each pair of mobile nodes. This approach also considers the probability of Ad-hoc communication in future.

Finally this thesis presents the evaluation for both tasks. Evaluation of first task shows that how message delay changes with increase in message size. Evaluation of second task compares all Target Set selection approaches on the basis of number of Ad-hoc messages, Message Delay and Energy Consumption .Thesis also compares the performance of advance approaches(Distance Extended and Path Length) on increasing the Ad-hoc range of communication.

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Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme
BetreuerM.Sc. Patrick Baier
Eingabedatum9. Juli 2013
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