Article in Journal ART-2006-07

BibliographyBernreuther, Martin; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim: First Experiences with Group Projects in CSE Education.
In: IEEE Computer Society and the American Institute of Physics (ed.): Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE).
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology.
pp. 16-25, english.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, July 2006.
ISBN: 1521-9615.
Article in Journal.
CR-SchemaK.3 (Computers and Education)
I.6 (Simulation and Modeling)
D.2 (Software Engineering)
J.2 (Physical Sciences and Engineering)
KeywordsCSE-related student group project; team-based learning; computational science and engineering; software engineering; education; computational steering

The various educational workshops at CSE-related conferences reveal that there is an ongoing open discussion on how to define the relevant aspects of this discipline, on how to integrate the identified topics into the curricula, and, of course, on how to design suitable course formats - or briefly, how to teach CSE in an appropriate way. One question more and more addressed in such discussions is to what extent and how methods established in software engineering can or even must be adopted. A second evergreen issue (not restricted to CSE programs, of course) is whether soft skills such as teamwork, project management, or leadership should be taught in special courses or better imparted within suitable CSE-related modules.

In this contribution, we report our experiences with project-based and software-focused CSE education at Universität Stuttgart and at Technische Universität München. In Stuttgart, for the first time, a so-called student project, a one-year team-oriented module implemented in the "Software Engineering" diploma program, was offered with a CSE flavour - the "Virtual Wind Tunnel". Due to this first project's success, we implemented a similar format of a CSE-related student project within the "Computational Science and Engineering" master's curriculum at Technische Universität München, too. The discussion of expectations and outcomes covers both the software-related issues and the main project-related aspects.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems
Entry dateJune 21, 2006
   Publ. Department   Publ. Institute   Publ. Computer Science