Bachelor Thesis BCLR-2017-03

BibliographySchweigert, Robin: Influence of real world and virtual reality on human mid-air pointing accuracy.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Bachelor Thesis (2017).
63 pages, english.
CR-SchemaH.5.2 (Information Interfaces and Presentation User Interfaces)

Mid-air pointing is a major gesture for humans to express a direction non-verbally. This work focuses on absolute pointing to reference an object or person which is in sight of the person who performs the pointing gesture. In the future, we see mid-air pointing as one way to interact with objects and smart home environments. However, mid-air pointing could also replace the controller to interact with a virtual environment. Recent work has shown that humans are imprecise while mid-air pointing. Furthermore, previous work has shown a systematic offset while mid-air pointing. In this work, we are reproducing these results and further reveal that the same effect is present in virtual environments. We further show that people point significantly different in a real and virtual environment. Therefore, to correct the systematic offset, we develop different models to determine the actual pointing direction. These models are based on a ground truth study in which we recorded participants' body posture while mid-air pointing. Finally, we validate the models by conducting a second study with 16 new participants. Our results show that we can significantly reduce the offset. We further show that when displaying a cursor indicating the pointing direction the offset can be further reduced. However, when displaying a cursor the pointing time increased in comparison to no cursor.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Visualisation and Interactive Systems, Visualisation and Interactive Systems
Superviser(s)Henze, Jun.-Prof. Niels; Mayer, Sven; Schwind, Valentin
Entry dateSeptember 26, 2018
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