Bachelor Thesis BCLR-2020-31

BibliographyBramm, Rafael Simon: Softwareentwurf für isogeometrische Elemente.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Bachelor Thesis No. 31 (2020).
37 pages, german.

The goal of this Thesis is to demonstrate how someone may implement a sourcecode for isogeometric Analysis. It is divided by three chapters, first of all the basics to understand and solve the problem, secondly the state of the program - like how the classes interact and which methods belong to which class, as last chapter there are some of the decissions i made discussed. 7

Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Simulation of Large Systems
Superviser(s)Mehl, Prof. Miriam; Zimmer, Dr. Stefan
Entry dateNovember 10, 2020
   Publ. Department   Publ. Institute   Publ. Computer Science