Diploma Thesis DIP-2147

BibliographyLuo, Xiaoxi: Entwurf von Protokollen für die geographische Kommunikation basierend auf symbolischen Koordinaten.
University of Stuttgart : Collaborative Research Center SFB 627 (Nexus: World Models for Mobile Context-Based Systems), Diploma Thesis No. 2147 (2004).
96 pages, german.
CR-SchemaC.2.1 (Network Architecture and Design)
C.2.2 (Network Protocols)
C.2.6 (Internetworking)
C.2.0 (Computer-Communication Networks, General)
KeywordsGeocast; Networking; Netzwerke; Kommunikation
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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems
Project(s)SFB-627, A2 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems)
Entry dateJanuary 25, 2005
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