Doctoral Thesis DIS-2015-07

BibliographyFehling, Christoph: Cloud computing patterns : identification, design, and application.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Doctoral Thesis (2015).
270 pages, english.
CR-SchemaH.4.1 (Office Automation)

The broad availability of high-speed Internet has reduced the impact of geographic location of hosting environments on the user experience provided by hosted applications. Advancements in hardware and software management have enabled hosting providers to offer such IT resources very flexibly and in an automated fashion. Cloud computing is the business model exploiting this IT evolution. Cloud providers offer numerous IT resources, such as servers, application runtime environments, or complete applications via self-service interfaces to be used by customers over the Internet. As these cloud offerings target a large number of customers, providers may leverage economies of scale. Therefore, cloud offerings are often set up more quickly and with less expense than respective IT resources managed by customers. Especially, cloud resources can commonly be provisioned and decommissioned flexibly, enabling customers to adjust resources to the current demand of their applications within minutes. The impact of these properties of the cloud environment on hosted applications and the resulting challenges have been largely unknown. Provider-supplied documentation and architecture guidelines have been tailored to the specific cloud offerings supported by each provider. The cloud computing patterns covered in this work are interrelated, well-structured documents, capturing proven solutions to recurring problems experienced by IT architects during cloud application architecture design and the associated runtime management. They have been abstracted from technology-specific provider documentation and guidelines, as well as from existing cloud applications. These patterns, therefore, capture abstract architecture concepts to provide technologyindependent and persistent knowledge gained from experience. This work presents the structured identification of the cloud computing patterns, their textual and graphical design to be easily accessible by humans, and a design method for their application. A pattern engineering process governs the research undertaken to obtain these contributions. Architectural properties of clouds and cloud applications structure the domain of cloud computing for pattern identification. A cloud reference application is also introduced. A metamodel of the document structure and organization of patterns describes the design of the cloud computing patterns. Reusable graphical elements and their composition ensure a consistent look and feel of patterns to increase user-friendliness. A design method for cloud applications describes how the cloud computing patterns can be used by IT architects in order to create new cloud applications.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems
Entry dateApril 13, 2016
   Publ. Department   Publ. Institute   Publ. Computer Science