Doctoral Thesis DIS-2020-01

BibliographyKohler, Thomas: On Consistency and Distribution in Software-defined Networking.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Doctoral Thesis No. 1 (2020).
199 pages, english.
CR-SchemaC.2.1 (Network Architecture and Design)
C.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
C.2.3 (Network Operations)

Software-defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging networking paradigm promising flexible programmability and simplified management. Over the last years, SDN has built up huge momentum in academia that has led to huge practical impact through the largescale adoption of big industrial players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft driving cloud computing, data center networks, and their interconnection in SDN-based wide-area networks. SDN is a key enabler for high dynamics in terms of network reconfiguration and innovation, allowing the deployment of new network protocols and substantially expanding the networking paradigm by moving applications into the network, both at unprecedented pace and ease. The SDN paradigm is centered around the separation of the data plane from the logically centralized but typically physically distributed control plane that programs the forwarding behaviour of the network devices in the data plane based on a global view. Especially requirements on correctness, scalability, availability, and resiliency raised through practical adoption at scale have put a strong emphasis on consistency and distribution in the SDN paradigm.

This thesis addresses various challenges regarding consistency and distribution in Software-defined Networking. More specifically, it focusses and contributes to the research areas of update consistency, flexibility in control plane distribution, and data plane implementation of a distributed application. Reconfiguring an SDN-based network inevitably requires to update the rules that determine the forwarding behaviour of the devices in its data plane. Updating these rules, which are situated on the inherently distributed data plane devices, is an asynchronous process. Hence, packets traversing the network may be processed according to a mixture of new and old rules during the update process. Consequently arising inconsistency effects can severely degrade the network performance and can break stipulated network invariants for instance on connectivity or security. We introduce a general architecture for network management under awareness of expectable update-induced inconsistency effects, which allows for an appropriate selection of an update mechanism and its parameters in order to prevent those effects. We thoroughly analyze update consistency for the case of multicast networks, show crucial particularities and present mechanisms for the prevention and mitigation of multicast-specific inconsistency effects.

Observing that on the one hand SDN's separation of control has been deemed rather strict, moving any control "intelligence" from the data plane devices to remote controller entities hence increasing control latency while on the other hand the coupling between controller and data plane devices is quite tight hence hindering free distribution of control logic, we present a controller architecture enabling flexible and full-range distribution of network control. The architecture is based on decoupling through an event abstraction and a flexible dissemination scheme for those events based on the content-based publish/subscribe paradigm. This lightweight design allows to push down control logic back onto data plane devices. Thus, we expand SDN's control paradigm and enable the full range from fully decentralized control, over local control still profiting from global view up to fully centralized control. This scheme allows to trade-off scope of state data, consistency semantics and synchronization overhead, control latency, and quality of control decisions. Furthermore, our implementation covers a large set of mechanisms for improving control plane consistency and scalability, such as inherent load-balancing, fast autonomous control decision making, detection of policy conflicts, and a feedback mechanism for data plane updates.

In a last area, we focus on the implementation of a distributed application from the domain of message-oriented middleware in the data plane. We implement Complex Event Processing (CEP) on top of programmable network devices employing data plane programming, a recent big trend in SDN, or more specifically, using the P4 language. We discuss challenges entailed in the distributed data plane processing and address aspects of distribution and consistency in particular regarding consistency in stateful data plane programming, where internal state that determines how packets are processed is changed within this very processing, in turn changing the processing of subsequent packets. Since packet processing is executed in parallel on different execution units on the same device sharing the same state data, strong consistency semantics are required in order to ensure application correctness. Enabled by P4's flexible and powerful programming model, our data plane implementation of CEP yields greatly reduced latency and increased throughput. It comprises a compiler that compiles patterns for the detection of complex events specified in our rule specification language to P4 programs, consisting of a state machine and operators that process so-called windows containing historic events.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems
Superviser(s)Rothermel, Kurt
Entry dateAugust 27, 2020
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