Bibliography | Diepstraten, Joachim; Eissele, Mike: In-Depth performance analysis of fragment and texture operations of programable DirectX9 graphics hardware. In: Wolfgang Engel (ed.): ShaderX3. University of Stuttgart : Collaborative Research Center SFB 627 (Nexus: World Models for Mobile Context-Based Systems). pp. 100-120, english. Charles River Media, November 2004. ISBN: 1584503572. Article in Book.
CR-Schema | I.3.3 (Picture/Image Generation)
Keywords | Programmable Graphics Hardware; GPU Performance; Pixel Shader; DirectX |
Abstract | Detailed performance of DirectX9 shading hardware was carried out to check the influence of different fragment and texture operations in the fragment processing pipeline of the most common GPU architectures. A special written standalone testing program was developed that allows to measure arbitrary pixel shading programs concerning their performance impact on the rendering time. A detailed look at different assembly level operations in these shader programs and diverse texture formats and texture operations was carried out on diverse DirectX9 pixel shader 2.0 compatible cards
Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Visualisation and Interactive Systems
Project(s) | SFB-627, C5 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Visualisation and Interactive Systems)
Entry date | January 17, 2005 |