Article in Proceedings INPROC-1995-04

BibliographyBurger, Cora: Cooperation policies for traders.
In: Kerry Raymond;Liz Armstrong (ed.): Proceedings IFIP International Conference on Open Distributed Processing ICODP '95.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science.
pp. 208-218, english.
Chapman and Hall, February 22, 1995.
Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CR-SchemaC.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
KeywordsODP; trading; cooperation

In ODP a general mechanism has been constructed, how cooperation between trader entities can be performed. But little has been said about when and in which cases such a cooperation should be initiated. Furthermore, the above mentioned cooperation mechanism requires an enormous amount of computer and communication resources, counteracting the profit of cooperation, e.g., by degrading the mean response time of traders. As a consequence, policies are needed to resolve such conflicts. In the following, a general cooperation model is introduced and applied to traders. From this general model cooperation policies for traders are derived. One of these policies can be adapted to optimize the quality of trader service by observing the dynamic behaviour of traders, their clients and servers.
Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Distributed Systems
Entry dateJuly 28, 2001
   Publ. Department   Publ. Institute   Publ. Computer Science