Article in Proceedings INPROC-1998-20

BibliographySellentin, Jürgen; Mitschang, Bernhard: Data Intensive Intra- & Internet Applications - An Example Using Java and CORBA in the World Wide Web.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Data Engineering, February 23-27, 1998, Orlando, Florida, USA.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science.
pp. 302-311, english.
IEEE, February 1998.
ISBN: 0-8186-8289-2.
Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CorporationIEEE Computer Society
CR-SchemaH.4 (Information Systems Applications)
H.2.4 (Database Management Systems)
H.2.5 (Heterogeneous Databases)

Intra/Internet technology has become a key issue in the development of modern systems. Nowadays it is not sufficient anymore to present static information sheets through the WWW, instead we need interactive applications that may even compute complex results or process large data sets. In this paper we describe a prototype based on Java and CORBA. Both represent modern concepts that have been developed to fulfill these requirements. Their combination results into the kind of data processing we want to apply to the WWW: First, portable, powerful, structured and even reusable client programs instead of cryptic HTML scripts, second, well defined interfaces, and third, efficient server processes separated from the WWW server and its CGI extensions. Communication is controlled by a fault tolerant CORBA layer, which also enables server development using a different language than Java. Besides a discussion of CORBA and its data shipping capabilities, we take a closer look at Java and its runtime behavior, and we report on the experiences gathered with our prototype system and its testbed application. This system has also been used to gather experiences with and to influence the new language binding of the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) of the Standard for the Exchange of Product Data (STEP, ISO 10303) to Java.

Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Entry dateOctober 8, 2001
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