Article in Proceedings INPROC-2007-55

BibliographyHerrmann, Klaus: Group Anti-Entropy - Achieving Eventual Consistency in Mobile Service Environments.
In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'07).
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology.
IEEE Computer Society Press, January 2007.
Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CR-SchemaC.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
H.2 (Database Management)
Keywordsmobility, ambient services, data consistency, optimistic replication

Data consistency protocols are vital ingredients of mobile data management systems. Notable research efforts have been spent to find adequate consistency models for allowing mobile and nomadic users to share mutable data. Recently, mobile Ambient Service infrastructures that pose somewhat different requirements have entered the focus of attention. Such services are not as loosely coupled as the afore-mentioned systems, but they still need flexible consistency protocols that may adapt to the current dynamics in the system. We propose an extension to the well-known anti-entropy protocol that makes use of the nature of Ambient Service environments to allow for a flexible consistency management among arbitrary groups of mobile service replicas. We will show that our protocol can exploit the concept of group updates to increase its efficiency in terms of bandwidth usage. Furthermore, we prove that it avoids costly state transfers by means of a simple rule that limits the divergence within the overall set of replicas. Finally, we introduce two simple tunable parameters, and we present experimental results that show how they may be used to shape the characteristics of the protocol.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems
Entry dateOctober 25, 2007
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