Article in Proceedings INPROC-2019-04

BibliographyFalk, Jonathan; Hellmanns, David; Carabelli, Ben; Nayak, Naresh; Dürr, Frank; Kehrer, Stephan; Rothermel, Kurt: NeSTiNg: Simulating IEEE Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) in OMNeT++.
In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys).
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology.
Garching b. München, Germany: IEEE, March 2019.
Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CR-SchemaC.2.4 (Distributed Systems)

IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) enables real-time communication with deterministically bounded network delay and jitter over standard IEEE 802.3 networks ("Ethernet"). In particular, TSN specifies a time-triggered scheduling mechanism in IEEE Std 802.1Qbv implemented by switches to control when outgoing queues get access to switch ports. Besides this time-triggered scheduling mechanism, other scheduling mechanisms can be active in the network at the same time including priority queuing and a credit-based shaper. Moreover, further supporting mechanisms such as the possibility to interrupt frames already in transmission (frame preemption) are specified by the TSN standards. Overall, this leads to a complex network infrastructure transporting both, real-time and non-real-time traffic in one converged network, making it hard to analyze the behavior of converged networks.

To facilitate the analysis of TSN networks, we present TSN-specific extensions to the popular OMNeT++/INET framework for network simulations in this paper including, in particular, the time-triggered scheduling mechanism of IEEE Std 802.1Qbv. Besides the design of the TSN simulator, we present a proof-of-concept implementation and exemplary evaluation of TSN networks.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems
Entry dateJanuary 29, 2019
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