Master Thesis MSTR-3578

BibliographyDas, Sanjib: Analysis and Simulation of Scheduling Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Multi-core Architectures.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 3578 (2014).
63 pages, english.
CR-SchemaC.1.4 (Processor Architectures, Parallel Architectures)
D.4.7 (Operating Systems Organization and Design)
D.4.8 (Operating Systems Performance)
I.6.6 (Simulation Output Analysis)
I.6.7 (Simulation Support Systems)

In this modern era of technological progress, multi-core processors have brought significant and consequential improvements in the available processing potential to the world of real-time embedded systems. These improvements impose a rapid increment of software complexity as well as processing demand placed on the underlying hardware. As a consequence, the need for efficient yet predictable multi-core scheduling techniques is on the rise.

As part of this thesis, in-depth research of currently available multi-core scheduling techniques, belonging to both partitioned and global approaches, is done in the context of real-time embedded systems. The emphasis is on the degree of their usability on hard real-time systems, focusing on the scheduling techniques offering better processor affinity and the lower number of context switching. Also, an extensive research of currently available real-time test-beds as well as real-time operating systems is performed.

Finally, a subset of the analyzed multi-core scheduling techniques comprising PSN-EDF, GSN-EDF, PD$^{2}$ and PD$^{2*}$ is simulated on the real-time test-bed LITMUS$^{RT}$.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Technology, Programming Languages and Compilers
Superviser(s)Prokharau, Mikhail
Entry dateNovember 27, 2014
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