Bachelor Thesis BCLR-2021-100

BibliographyKolberg, Jan: Towards augmented reality as a supporting tool for exoskeletons in fabrication tasks.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Bachelor Thesis No. 100 (2021).
51 pages, english.

This project will investigate how tasks performed with an exoskeleton can be supported by augmented reality (AR). When two workers with passive exoskeletons perform a group task (such as lifting and placing large beams), clear and precise coordination between the persons must be ensured. We will investigate whether visual cues displayed in AR can optimise workflows to support the execution of the task. We implement different visualisations and perform an informal evaluation of a prototype. The focus is on displaying visual cues to improve the beam placement. As well as on motion guidance to help workers move in a way that is beneficial to them in terms of time efficiency and ergonomics. We will also highlight the necessary steps on how data collected in real time should be handled for AR visualisation and how visual information can be projected over real and dynamically moving objects. In addition, a user study will be conducted to analyse the benefits of AR support in combination with exoskeletons. The results collected will show that AR can indeed attract users' attention and make them adapt their behaviour according to the information provided. However, it will also become clear that more technical tuning will be needed to realise the full potential of this technology combination.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Visualisation and Interactive Systems, Visualisation and Interactive Systems
Superviser(s)Sedlmair, Prof. Michael; Calepso, Aimee Sousa; Bances Purizaca, Dr. Nelson Enrique
Entry dateOctober 26, 2022
   Publ. Computer Science