Bibliograph. Daten | Truong, Stefan: Modeling the Behavior of Platoons of Motorcyclists Driving in the Black Forest. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Bachelorarbeit Nr. 2 (2023). 77 Seiten, englisch.
Kurzfassung | This thesis aims to analyze the behavior of motorcyclists driving in a platoon through a simulation based on cellular automata theory. The relevant literature is reviewed to establish the basis for building the simulation, and the requirements for the simulation and model setup are discussed. The road is modeled as a two-lane road for one direction divided into tiles, with the curvature determining the maximum speed. The setup allows for mixed traffic of motorcycles, cars, and bicycles. A platoon consists of motorcyclists riding in a line formation with a fixed set of rules. Simulation results of a platoon traveling on seven roads in the Black Forest region are presented and analyzed, and limitations of the model are discussed. To evaluate the roads, a fun metric for motorcycles is introduced, with data and curvature definitions obtained from The results suggest that roads with higher curvature are more enjoyable for motorcyclists.
Abteilung(en) | Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen
Betreuer | Aiello, Prof. Marco |
Eingabedatum | 17. März 2023 |