Bibliography | Martín, Néstor Ayllón: An Efficient Mapping of EMMA Communications to the CAN Bus. University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Diploma Thesis No. 32 (2008). 95 pages, english.
Abstract | In automotive systems, the number of sensors controlling the car information has increased drastically during the last decade. Different sensors (wheels pressure, velocity, acceleration etc) and communcation technologies (FlexRay, LIN, MOST, CAN Bus etc) are used within a car. This variety makes the development of new applications difficult and expensive. The EMMA System is created with the objective to provide a platform on which to develop applications, obviating the different existing sensors as well as the different communication technologies. By means of the EMMA System middleware, not only inside-car communication is provided, but also car-to-car and car-infrastructure communication. Since the CAN Bus ( usually in charge of transporting information between several ECUs) has become one of the most used communication technologies in automotive and industrial platforms, its use turns out mandatory. But the CAN Bus standard services do not fullfill the EMMA middleware requirements. The EMMA system defines the use of both unicast and broadcast communication, as well as the existence of unique addresses for every device. On the other hand, the CAN Bus provides a purely data-oriented communication through a broadcast medium. Which means that the CAN Bus does not offer unicast communication (broadcast medium). And the identifier field within a CAN Bus packet, concerns just the type of data and it does not give information about the sender or the addressee(data-oriented). In addition, each CAN Bus data packet can transport just up to eight bytes. For these reasons, several techniques like compression, fragmentation, address mapping and address assigment have been studied in order to afford an efficient mapping between the EMMA messages and the CAN Bus packets.