Artikel in Tagungsband INPROC-2007-133

Lachenmann, Andreas; Marrón, Pedro José; Minder, Daniel; Rothermel, Kurt: Meeting Lifetime Goals with Energy Levels.
In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2007).
Universität Stuttgart : Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 627 (Nexus: Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme).
S. 131-144, englisch.
ACM, November 2007.
DOI: 10.1145/1322263.1322277.
Artikel in Tagungsband (Konferenz-Beitrag).
CR-Klassif.D.3.3 (Programming Language Constructs and Features)
D.4.8 (Operating Systems Performance)
Keywordswireless sensor network; energy; lifetime goal; programming abstraction

In this paper we present Levels, a programming abstraction for energy-aware sensor network applications. Unlike most previous work it does not try to maximize network lifetime but rather helps to meet user-defined lifetime goals while maximizing application quality. Levels is targeted to applications where there is no redundancy and no node should fail early.

With our programming abstraction the application developer defines so-called energy levels. These energy levels form a stack and can be deactivated from top to bottom if the lifetime goal cannot be met otherwise. Each code block within an energy level contains information about its energy consumption, which can be obtained from simulation tools without much effort. The runtime system then uses the data about the energy consumption of the different levels to compute an optimal level assignment for the time remaining. As we show in the evaluation, applications using Levels can accurately meet given lifetime goals and offer good application quality. In addition, the runtime overhead of our system is almost negligible.

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Copyright(c) 2007 ACM
Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme
Projekt(e)SFB-627, B3 (Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme)
Eingabedatum26. Mai 2010
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