Bibliography | Lange, Ralph; Cipriani, Nazario; Geiger, Lars; Großmann, Matthias; Weinschrott, Harald; Brodt, Andreas; Wieland, Matthias; Rizou, Stamatia; Rothermel, Kurt: Making the World Wide Space Happen: New Challenges for the Nexus Context Platform. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '09). Galveston, TX, USA. March 2009. University of Stuttgart : Collaborative Research Center SFB 627 (Nexus: World Models for Mobile Context-Based Systems). pp. 1-4, english. IEEE Computer Society, March 2009. Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CR-Schema | H.2.8 (Database Applications) H.3.4 (Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software) H.3.5 (Online Information Services)
Keywords | Nexus; context; mobile context-aware applications; context-awareness; context management; World Wide Space; stream-processing; situation recognition; reasoning; workflows; quality of context |
Abstract | Context-aware applications rely on models of the physical world. Within the Nexus project, we envision a World Wide Space which provides the conceptual and technological framework for integrating and sharing such context models in an open, global platform of context providers. In our ongoing research we tackle important challenges in such a platform including distributed processing of streamed context data, situation recognition by distributed reasoning, efficient management of context data histories, and quality of context information. In this paper we discuss our approach to cope with these challenges and present an extended Nexus architecture.
Full text and other links | PDF (144068 Bytes) SFB 627: Nexus The original publication is available at IEEE Xplore
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Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Project(s) | SFB-627, E1 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems) SFB-627, B1 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems) SFB-627, A2 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems) SFB-627, B3 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems) SFB-627, B5 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems) SFB-627, E3 (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems)
Entry date | January 13, 2009 |