Artikel in Tagungsband INPROC-2015-43

Vukojevic-Haupt, Karolina; Gómez Sáez, Santiago; Haupt, Florian; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: A Middleware-centric Optimization Approach for the Automated Provisioning of Services in the Cloud.
In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science.
Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik.
S. 174-179, englisch.
IEEE, Dezember 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/CloudCom.2015.86.
Artikel in Tagungsband (Konferenz-Beitrag).
CR-Klassif.C.2.4 (Distributed Systems)
D.2.11 (Software Engineering Software Architectures)
I.6.7 (Simulation Support Systems)
Keywordson-demand provisioning; cloud; service-oriented computing; eScience; optimization; dynamic provisioning; SOC

The on-demand provisioning of services, a cloud-based extension for traditional service-oriented architectures, improves the handling of services in usage scenarios where they are only used rarely and irregularly. However, the standard process of service provisioning and de-provisioning shows still some shortcomings when applying it in real world. In this paper, we introduce a middleware-centric optimization approach that can be integrated in the existing on-demand provisioning middleware in a loosely coupled manner, changing the standard provisioning and de-provisioning behavior in order to improve it with respect to cost and time. We define and implement a set of optimization strategies, evaluate them based on a real world use case from the eScience domain and provide qualitative as well as quantitative decision support for effectively selecting and parametrizing a suitable strategy. Altogether, our work improves the applicability of the existing on-demand provisioning approach and system in real world, including guidance for selecting the suitable optimization strategy for specific use cases.
Abteilung(en)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen
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Eingabedatum17. September 2015
   Publ. Institut   Publ. Informatik