Bibliograph. Daten | Zimmermann, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: A TOSCA-based Programming Model for Interacting Components of Automatically Deployed Cloud and IoT Applications. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. englisch. SciTePress, April 2017. Artikel in Tagungsband (Konferenz-Beitrag).
Kurzfassung | Cloud applications typically consist of multiple components interacting with each other. Service-orientation, standards such as WSDL, and the workflow technology provide common means to enable the interaction between these components. Nevertheless, during the automated application deployment, endpoints of interacting components, e.g., URLs of deployed services, still need to be exchanged: the components must be wired. However, this exchange mainly depends on the used (i) middleware technologies, (ii) programming languages, and (iii) deployment technologies, which limits the application’s portability and increases the complexity of implementing components. In this paper, we present a programming model for easing the implementation of interacting components of automatically deployed applications. The presented programming model is based on the TOSCA standard and enables invoking components by their identifiers and interface descriptions contained in the application’s TOSCA model. The approach can be applied to Cloud and IoT applications, i.e., also software hosted on physical devices may use the approach to call other application components. To validate the practical feasibility of the approach, we present a system architecture and prototype based on OpenTOSCA.