Bibliography | Neuefeind, Claes; Harzenetter, Lukas; Schildkamp, Philip; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Mathiak, Brigitte; Barzen, Johanna; Leymann, Frank: The SustainLife Project - Living Systems in Digital Humanities. In: Papers From the 12th Advanced Summer School of Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC 2018). University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology. pp. 101-112, english. IBM Research Division, October 2018. Article in Proceedings (Conference Paper).
CR-Schema | C.2.4 (Distributed Systems) D.2.7 (Software Engineering Distribution, Maintenance, and Enhancement) K.6 (Management of Computing and Information Systems)
Keywords | Living Systems; Sustainability; Research Software |
Abstract | In the arts and humanities, research applications play a central role in securing and presenting digital results. However, due to their steadily increasing number and their heterogeneity, it is difficult to ensure the sustainability and durability of this kind of living systems from an organizational point of view. This paper describes a project for the preservation of specialized web-based research applications in the humanities. The SustainLife project investigates to what extent methods and technologies of professional cloud deployment and provisioning strategies can be applied to problems of long-term availability of research software as they are omnipresent in humanities data centers such as the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH) at the University of Cologne. Technological basis of the project is the OASIS standard TOSCA and the Open Source implementation OpenTOSCA, respectively, which was developed at the Institute for Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) at the University of Stuttgart. In the course of the project selected use cases from the field of Digital Humanities (DH) will be modeled in TOSCA to be able to automatically deploy them upon request at any time. The TOSCA standard enables a portable description of the modeled systems independent of specific providers to facilitate their long-term availability. The aim is to provide system components described in the use cases in a component library, as well as in the form of TOSCAcompliant application templates to make them available for reuse in other DH projects.
Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems
Project(s) | SustainLife
Entry date | October 25, 2018 |