Bibliography | Nerriec, Morgan: Development of a Web Portal based solution to control an embedded Linux appliance. University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 2 (2002). 99 pages, english.
Abstract | This thesis was done as part of a project called Property Service Network (PSN) at the IBM Entwicklung GmbH in Boeblingen, Germany. The Property Service Network is a home automation system which allows the remote control of devices (like lights, shutters, TVs, heaters or alarm systems) installed in a building. The Property Service Network has two main components. One component, called Access Gate, is an embedded Linux appliance located in the building and communicating with the various devices. The second component is an Internet Portal. lt is accessible to the user through the internet or via a mobile phone, and allows a remote control of the Access Gate. This thesis focuses on the Portal. Through user defined rules it is possible to customize the behavior of the Portal on incoming events fixed by the devices. These rules are managed by a so-called rules engine. The determination of an appropriate rules engine as well as its integration into the prototype represents the main part of the thesis. The architecture design and a part of the implementation of the Message Processor, which is the Portal main component, corresponds to the second important part of the thesis.
Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems
Superviser(s) | Rothermel, Prof. Kurt; Dürr, Frank; Breh, Jochen |
Entry date | May 26, 2023 |