Bibliography | Zwietasch, Tim: Online failure prediction for microservice architectures. University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 102 (2017). 105 pages, english.
Abstract | In many modern software architectures, failure avoidance strategies are already an integral part of the system since they provide many ways to contribute to software resilience. Failures are the cause of system downtimes and latencies and often, they can not be completely prevented. In contrast to fully virtualized servers on which applications are run, some microservice architectures allow microservies to operate natively on the underlying OS and they might therefore interact with each other on a much higher level. Microservices that are deployed on the same node may also affect each other much more than VM’s, for example by putting a high workload on the underlying host. Traditional VM’s run their own Operating system, often in an isolated memory region and a predetiermined, mostly static CPU share whereas microservices are able to cooperate by sharing the same IP-address and other resources. The goal of this thesis is to show how and to which degree microservices can affect each other when they are being executed on the same host and to discuss the effects that these side effects have on failure predictors. For this, a number of simulations are run on a selected containerized application that demonstrate the container-induced side effects. Certain metrics like the CPU-usage of the containers will be evaluated for each scenario and online failure prediction methods are implemented that try to forecast failures based on these metrics. The results show, that independent microservices can affect each other in various ways, for example, by over-utilizing the CPU resources of the host on which they are deployed on. This effect makes failure prediction with monolithic approaches that do not consider the architecture of the host very difficult. This thesis shows and discusses various scenarios in which hierarchical failure prediction methods show significantly better results than monolithic aproaches when such a side-effect is introduced into the system.
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Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Technology, Software Reliability and Security
Superviser(s) | van Hoorn, Dr. André; Pitakrat, Teerat |
Entry date | June 19, 2019 |