Bibliograph. Daten | Sakkal, Fadi: Combining application layer and network layer filtering in Pub/Sub systems. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Masterarbeit Nr. 74 (2018). 73 Seiten, englisch.
Kurzfassung | Content-based Publish/Subscribe systems deliver notifications from publishers to subscribers based on the content of the notifications. Low latency and bandwidth efficiency are two major concerns in these systems. Hybrid Publish/Subscribe systems were developed to take advantage of the new trend of Software Defined Networking (SDN). In these systems, notifications can be filtered on two layers, namely the application-layer and the network-layer. Since each one of these two layers has advantages over the other, it was important to have a selection algorithm to decide on which layer a certain notification has to be filtered. When choosing to filter notifications on the application layer, notifications have to be sent to software filters (servers) located in the topology. The placement of these servers is important for the overall performance of the system. In this thesis, we propose three different placement algorithms, each of which considers a different aspect of the system and tries to place the servers in a way that improves this aspect. The K-Center placement algorithm aims at minimizing the maximum distance between the sending node and the destination server. This will give an upper bound on the worst-case scenario regarding the latency. TheK-Median placement algorithm is designed to minimize the average distance that the sent notifications have to pass to reach the server. The Utilitarian placement algorithm focuses on providing faster service to the packets which are intended for many subscribers, giving better overall service to the majority of the users at the expense of a worse service for some others. We have evaluated the proposed placement algorithms and compared them to each other according to different categories using two different topologies and two different distributions for the published notifications. As expected, the K-Center algorithm proved to be better in minimizing the maximum distance required for a notification to reach a server, while the K-Median and the Utilitarian algorithms showed similar results in most of the cases and were better in minimizing the average distance.
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Abteilung(en) | Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme
Betreuer | Rothermel, Prof. Kurt; Bhowmik, Dr. Sukanya |
Eingabedatum | 6. Juni 2019 |