Master Thesis MSTR-2019-81

BibliographyBräuninger, Maximilian: Characteristics of Neighbourhood Vector Spaces for Abstract and Concrete Words.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 81 (2019).
85 pages, english.

Concreteness and abstractness of words is an important concept in psycholinguistic and computer linguistic. Concrete words can be directly experienced using at least one of the five human senses. Abstract words cannot be experienced directly but have to be described using other words. According to the Context Availability Theory, in order to evoke the meaning of a word it is necessary to create an appropriate context. The theory suggests differences between the concepts of concrete and abstract words. Computational studies have shown evidence regarding the statement of the Context Availability Theory as concrete words seem to appear in specific, small set of contexts, whereas abstract words appear in a broader more general context. Further pursuing this hypothesis, several different neighbourhood similarity measures are used on five different vector space models representing the neighbourhood of concrete and abstract target words. This work presents an in-depth discussion and analysis of characteristics of both concrete and abstract target words regarding their context dimensions as well as other neighbours. Furthermore two different dimensionality reduction techniques are used on the original vector space in order to produce low dimensional representations of the concrete and abstract neighbourhoods.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute for Natural Language Processing
Superviser(s)Schulte im Walde, Apl. Prof. Sabine; Frassinelli, Dr. Diego
Entry dateFebruary 26, 2020
   Publ. Computer Science