Master Thesis MSTR-2020-22

BibliographyRivinius, Marc: Accountable secure multi-party computation for tally-hiding e-voting.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Master Thesis No. 22 (2020).
134 pages, english.

With multi-party computation becoming more and more efficient and thus more practical, we can start to investigate application scenarios. One application where multi-party computation can be used to great effect is e-voting. Unlike classical e-voting protocols, one can get tally-hiding e-voting systems. There, some part of the tally (especially the whole set of votes) is not made public. Notwithstanding this, most existing (verifiable) multi-party computation protocols are not suitable for e-voting. A property that is arguably more important than verifiability is missing: accountability -- as a matter of fact, we need external accountability in this setting, where anyone audit the protocol. This is especially of importance for e-voting systems and more researchers are paying attention to it lately. To this effect, we introduce a general multi-party computation protocol that meets all the requirements to be used in e-voting systems. Our protocol achieves accountability and fairness in the honest majority setting and is -- to our best knowledge -- the first one to do so.

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Department(s)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Informationssicherheit und Kryptographie (ISC)
Superviser(s)Küsters, Prof. Ralf; Liedtke, Julian
Entry dateDecember 16, 2020
   Publ. Computer Science