Bibliograph. Daten | Hafiz;Khan, Golam: Simulation of Multi-core Scheduling in Real-Time Embedded Systems. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Masterarbeit Nr. 3556 (2014). 114 Seiten, englisch.
CR-Klassif. | D.4.1 (Process Management) D.4.8 (Operating Systems Performance) C.4 (Performance of Systems) I.6.8 (Types of Simulation)
Kurzfassung | In real-time systems the correctness of a system depends not only on the logical correctness of the running program but also on the time at which the logically correct output is produced. Therefore, in such a system it is necessary to provide the right computational result within a strict time limit called the deadline of a task. In hard real-time systems the deadline of a task must not be missed, whereas in soft real-time systems it can be missed occasionally. In recent years the trend has been observed which shows a shift from single-core to multi-core architectures for real-time systems. The main point of this thesis is to study a few promising multi-core scheduling algorithms both from the partitioned and the global approaches to multi-core scheduling and implement some of them into the existing simulation software. To represent the partitioned approach, Partitioned EDF has been implemented with the capability of specification of a resource access protocol for each core. The partitioned approach requires heuristics for task partitioning, the problem known to be NP-hard in the strong sense. For this reason, the implementation of Partitioned EDF requires manual task partitioning of the system in order to be able to utilize the maximum processing power. Proportionate Fair abbreviated as Pfair is the only known optimal way to schedule a set of periodic tasks on multi-core systems that falls into the global approach of multi-core scheduling. Therefore, to represent the global approach, several variants of Pfair scheduling algorithm have been selected for the implementation into the existing system. To be truly useful in practice, a real-time multi-core scheduling algorithm should support access to shared resources using some resource access protocol. For this reason, the Flexible Multiprocessor Locking Protocol abbreviated as FMLP has been studied and implemented to simulate shared resource access on multi-core systems. This resource access protocol can be used by scheduling algorithms representing both the partitioned and global approaches, but it only supports such variants of those algorithms which allow non-preemptive execution. A variant of Global EDF termed Global Suspendable Non-preemptive EDF was implemented prior to implementing FMLP. The existing simulator provided a set of single-core and some basic multi-core scheduling algorithms for scheduling real-time task sets. No schedulability analysis was implemented in the previous work. So, as part of this thesis, the schedulability analysis for single core scheduling algorithms has been implemented. A schedulability analysis for the partitioned approach of multi-core scheduling has also been provided for systems where a single-core scheduling algorithm runs on each partition. The updated simulation software also supports self-suspension of tasks for a specified duration.
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Abteilung(en) | Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Softwaretechnologie, Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerbau
Betreuer | Prokharau, Mikhail |
Eingabedatum | 22. Juli 2014 |