Bibliography | Kramberg, Volker: Pattern-based Evaluation of IBM WebSphere BPEL. University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Student Thesis No. 2052 (2006). 75 pages, english.
CR-Schema | D.2.1 (Software Engineering Requirements/Specifications) H.2.4 (Database Management Systems) H.3.4 (Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software) H.3.5 (Online Information Services) H.4.1 (Office Automation) I.5.2 (Pattern Recognition Design Methodology)
Keywords | BPEL; BPEL4WS; Business Process Execution Language; WebSphere; Pattern; Workflowpattern; Workflow; Web Services; IBM WebSphere Integration Developer; control-flow pattern; Workflow; Geschäftsprozesse; IBM WebSphere Process Server; Anwendungsintegration; SOA |
Abstract | There are numerous Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) modeling tools available on the market today that differ in their power and ability to transform patterns into executable BPEL code. Patterns describe business requirements and thus define the needs in workflow languages and their related modeling tools. Patterns are used as a basis to compare these tools.
In this student research paper should be examined to which extend the control-flow patterns presented in [1] are supported by IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V6.0 on IBM WebSphere Process Server for Multiplatforms V6.0. IBM WebSphere Integration Developer uses the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services version 1.1 (BPEL4WS) as the basis but already implements functionality of WS-BPEL version 2.0. Control-flow patterns include basic control patterns, patterns involving multiple instances, state-based patterns and cancellation patterns.
The BPEL and the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) source code of the implementations are listed in the appendix.
[1] W.M.P. van der Aalst, A.H.M. ter Hofstede, B. Kiepuszewski, and A.P. Barros. Workflow Patterns. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 14(3), pages 5-51, July 2003.
Full text and other links | PDF (508133 Bytes) Access to students' publications restricted to the faculty due to current privacy regulations |
Copyright | Volker Kramberg |
Contact | Contact: Volker Kramberg |
Department(s) | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems
Superviser(s) | Scheibler, Thorsten |
Project(s) | Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen (IAAS)
Entry date | July 29, 2006 |