Kurzfassung | Kurzfassung:
Nowadays, Cloud Computing has raised a revolution in the whole IT environment. Plenty of large IT enterprises like IBM, Google, Microsoft and non-IT enterprises like Amazon have invested a lot to deploy and propagate their Cloud Computing solutions. The traditional Cloud Computing solution is composed of service vendor/provider and services consumers, which delivers customer required infrastructures, software, application services and receive services through paying per usage. Those services received by customers, generally highly standardized, need customization or even redeployment by a third consultant company, which causes the overspending of IT-budget and irregularly specified application services.
The Cafe project, based on Composite Application Framework, provides a new solution that separating the service vendor and service provider. Service vendor not only supports service provider at the level of infrastructure and application, but also provides a standard process. In order to meet the specified requirements of various customers, service provider should be capable of configuring and redeveloping the application. This kind of solution makes customers to acquire their own specified services through month-based fees without configuration and redeployment by a third company.
The task of this student research project is to develop a graphical editor for Cafe application templates, which is based on Eclipse Graphic Modeling Framework (GMF) and implemented within Eclipse Plug-In Development Environment (PDE). The editor is supposed to provide a user-friendly GUI and allow exporting the Cafe application templates as a Cafe application archive file at the same time.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Component-based Application, Composite Application Framework, EMF, GEF, GMF, PDE