Bibliograph. Daten | Hoyo, Daniel del: Probabilistic map representation using GeoTools. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Studienarbeit Nr. 2354 (2012). 75 Seiten, englisch.
CR-Klassif. | C.2.4 (Distributed Systems) H.3.4 (Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software) I.3.5 (Computational Geometry and Object Modeling)
Kurzfassung | With the current raise of many different smartphones devices and tablets, which have among other functions, a GPS sensor, the ability to make use of services based in the user's location is increasing, as the number of applications offering this type of service. In addition, the number of social networks which allow users to share their location is also increasing. To avoid any kind of leak that could lead to violate user's privacy or security, location privacy techniques should be implemented. Obfuscation will be used in order to avoid the usage of third party solutions. The generation of cloaking regions allows users to define an associated privacy police and configuration, associated with every different type of feature, when map-aware knowledge is available. This paper presents different methods of probabilistic map representations and an obfuscation technique used when unveiling user's position.
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Abteilung(en) | Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Verteilte Systeme
Betreuer | Skvorzov, Pavel |
Eingabedatum | 8. Mai 2012 |