Bibliograph. Daten | Burkhardt, Walter H.; Rust, Stefan: Integrated Software-/Hardware Development System. Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Fakultätsbericht Nr. 1996/11. 12 Seiten, englisch.
CR-Klassif. | B.1 (Control Structures and Microprogramming) B.5.1 (Register-Transfer-Level Implementation, Design) B.6.3 (Logic Design, Design Aids) D.3.2 (Language Classifications)
Keywords | Application-Specific-Architecture; Integrated design; CAD; ASIC; Performance |
Kurzfassung | The usual design and development method in systems architecture of separate portions of soft- and hardware components introduces high inefficiencies, due to redundancies and seldom used functions on the wrong levels of implementation. A better approach offers a methodology for an integrated software, firmware, and hardware design. Required are, however, immense computer support and graphical capabilities. A system of this kind is especially valuable for development under constraints of performance, cost, time, space, or other limitations. We present such a system and show its capabilities in the development of a defect-free sorter systems module. Keywords: Application-Specific-Architecture, Integrated design and development systems, CAD, ASIC, Performance
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Abteilung(en) | Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Informatik, Rechnerarchitektur
Eingabedatum | 6. Dezember 1996 |