Technical Report TR-1998-02

BibliographyDiekert, Volker: Makanin's Algorithm for Solving Word Equations with Regular Constraints.
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Technical Report No. 1998/02.
43 pages, english.
CR-SchemaF.2.2 (Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems)
F.4.3 (Formal Languages)
KeywordsMakanin; Makanins's Algorithm; Word Equations; Regular Constraints

This report is a preliminary version of the twelfth chapter in the forthcoming book of M.~Lothaire {\em Algebraic Combinatorics on Words}. The aim is to describe a self-contained proof of a fundamental result of Makanin (1977), which solves the satisfiability problem of equations with constants over free monoids. The presentation of Makanin's algorithm is based on a generalization due to Schulz (1990), where Makanin's result is extended to the case where solutions are restricted by imposing regular constraints on the variables.

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Department(s)University of Stuttgart, Institute of Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science
Entry dateApril 7, 1998
   Publ. Computer Science