Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Dirk Nowotka
I have recently moved to Kiel.
Mail |
Dependable Systems group |
Department of Computer Science |
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
24098 Kiel |
Visitors |
room 1308, Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, 24118 Kiel
Phone |
+49 (0)431-880-4199 |
Email |
dn AT informatik DOT uni-kiel DOT de |
Research motto: Computer science is mathematics at work.
Latest projects:
- Dagstuhl Seminar
Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing
organized together with M. Crochemore, L. Kari, and M. Mohri;
February 2011
- Oberwolfach Miniworkshop
Combinatorics on Words
organized together with V. Berthé, J. Karhumäki, and J. Shallit;
August 2010
- PPP Finland funded by the
(German Academic Exchange Service)
exchange programme Stuttgart-Turku from June 2008 - May 2010
(project leader)
Some selected publications:
The Ehrenfeucht-Silberger Problem,
ICALP 2009, LNCS 5555, p. 537-548, 2009. (with Š. Holub)
- Periodicity and Unbordered Words:
A Proof of the Extended Duval Conjecture, JACM, 54(4):20, 2007.
(with T. Harju)
Border Correlation of Binary Words, JCT-A, 108(2):331-341, 2004.
(with T. Harju)
Weinbaum Factorizations of Primitive Words, Izv. VUZ. Mat.,
(1):21-33, 2010. (with V. Diekert and T. Harju)
- Maximal Intersection Queries in Randomized Input Models,
ToCS, 46(1):104-119, 2010. (with B. Hoffmann, M. Lifshits, and Y. Lifshits)
- sequences
in the
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Full list of publications.
PC member TIME 2011, Lübeck, Germany
- PC member
WORDS 2011,
Prague, Czech Republic
- PC member
CIAA 2009,
Sydney, Australia
(International Conference on Implementation and Application
of Automata)
- OC member and workshops organizer
DLT 2009,
Stuttgart, Germany
(International Conference on Developments in Language Theory)
Editor (together with V. Diekert) of the
DLT 2009 Proceedings
(LNCS 5583, Springer-Verlag)
the DLT 2009 Special Issue
of the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS)
- Dagstuhl Seminar
Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing
organized together with M. Crochemore, L. Kari, and M. Mohri;
February 2011
- Oberwolfach Miniworkshop
Combinatorics on Words
organized together with V. Berthé, J. Karhumäki, and J. Shallit;
August 2010
- PPP Finland funded by the
(German Academic Exchange Service)
exchange programme Stuttgart-Turku from June 2008 - May 2010
(project leader)
- How to gain more trust in model based software development?
an industrial project together with
from June through October 2008
- TEGnology Bulletin
together with the
Fraunhofer TEG
(a division of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft)
a project for a service for the early detection of emerging
technologies relevant for companies
(representing the Universität Stuttgart)
Academic CV.
Some source code and documentation from projects in Automated
Theorem Proving that I used to work on.