Tero Harju and Dirk Nowotka
On the Equation xk = z1k1z2k2...znkn in a Free Semigroup

Theoretical Computer Science, 330(1):117-121, 2005.


Word equations of the form xk = z1k1z2k2...znkn are considered in this paper. In particular, we investigate the case where x is of different length than zi, for any i, and k and ki are at least 3, for all 1 ≤ in, and nk. We prove that for those equations all solutions are of rank 1, that is, x and zi are powers of the same word for all 1 ≤ in. It is also shown that this result implies a well-known result by K.I. Appel and F.M. Djorup about the more special case where ki = kj for all 1 ≤ i < jn.

Keywords: combinatorics on words, word equations

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