2006 |
Barbara König and Vitali Kozioura. Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for the analysis of graph transformation systems. In Proc. of TACAS '06. Springer, 2006. LNCS. to appear. |
Barbara König and Vitali Kozioura. Augur 2—a new version of a tool for the analysis of graph transformation systems. In Proc. of GT-VMT '06 (Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques), 2006. ENTCS. to appear. |
Barbara König and Vitali Kozioura. Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for the analysis of graph transformation systems. Technical Report 01/2006, Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2006. |
2005 |
Barbara König and Vitali Kozioura. Augur—a tool for the analysis of graph transformation systems. EATCS Bulletin, 87:125–137, November 2005. Appeared in The Formal Specification Column. |
Paolo Baldan, Andrea Corradini, Javier Esparza, Tobias Heindel, Barbara König, and Vitali Kozioura. Verifying red-black trees. In Proc. of COSMICAH '05, 2005. Proceedings available as report RR-05-04 (Queen Mary, University of London). |
2002 |
Kozura V.E., Nepomniaschy V.A., and Novikov R.M. Verification of distributed systems modelled by high-level petri nets. In Proc. of PARELEC 2002, pages 61–66. IEEE Computer Society, 2002. |
Nepomniaschy V.A., Shilov N.V., Bodin E.V., and Kozura V.E. Basic-real: Integrated approach for design, specification and verification of distributed systems. In Proc. of IFM 2002, pages 69–88. Springer, 2002. LNCS 2335. |
2001 |
Kozura V.E. Unfoldings of coloured petri nets. In Proc. of Ershov Memorial Conference 2001, pages 268–278. Springer, 2001. LNCS 2244. |
Kozura V.E. Unfoldings of timed coloured petri nets. In Proc. of the CS&P'2001 Workshop, Warsaw 3-5 Oktober 2001, pages 128–139, 2001. |
1999 |
Bodin E.V., Kozura V.E., and Shilov N.V. Experiments with model checking for mu-calculus in specification and verification project real. In Proc. of Fifth New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium, 22 January 1999, pages 1–18, 1999. |