E. Best, L. Cherkasova, J. Desel, and J. Esparza. Traps, free choice und home states (extended abstract). In W. Thomas M. Kwiatowska, M. Shields, editor, Semantics for Concurrency, Leicester 1990, Workshops in Computing, pages 16–21. Springer-Verlag, 1991. |
E. Best and J. Esparza. Model checking of persistent Petri nets. In G. Jäger E. Börger, H. Kleine Büning, and M. M. Richter, editors, Proceedings of Computer Science Logic, number 626 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 35–52, 1991. |
A. Cruz, J. Esparza, and J. Sesma. Zeros of the hankel function of real order out of the principal riemann sheet. Journal of Computational und Applied Mathematics, 37:89–99, 1991. |
J. Desel and J. Esparza. Reachability in reversible free choice systems. In G.Choffrut und M. Jantzen, editor, Proceedings of STACS '91, number 480 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 384–397, 1991. |
J. Esparza and M. Silva. Top-down synthesis of free choice nets. In G. Rozenberg, editor, Advances in Petri Nets 1991, number 524 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 118–139, 1991. |
J. Esparza and M. Silva. Compositional synthesis of live und bounded free choice nets. In J.C.M. Baeten und J.F. Groote, editor, Proceedings of CONCUR '91, number 527 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 172–187, 1991. |