A. Cheng, J. Esparza, and J. Palsberg. Complexity results for 1-safe nets. Theoretical Computer Science, 147:117–136, 1995. |
J. Desel and J. Esparza. Shortest paths in reachability graphs. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 51(2):314–323, 1995. |
J. Desel and J. Esparza. Free choice Petri nets, volume 40 of Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. Cambridge University Press, 1995. |
J. Esparza and A. Kiehn. On the model checking problem for branching time logics and basic parallel processes. In Proc. of CAV'95, number 939 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 353–366. Springer-Verlag, 1995. |
J. Esparza. Petri nets, commutative context-free grammars, and basic parallel processes. In B. Reichel, editor, Proceedings of FCT '95, number 965 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 221–232, 1995. |
P. Jancar and J. Esparza. Deciding finiteness of Petri nets up to bisimulation. SFB-Bericht Nr. 342/23/95A, TU München, 1995. |
Allan Cheng, Javier Esparza, and Jens Palsberg. Complexity results for 1-safe nets. Theoretical Computer Science, 147(1&2):117–136, 1995. |