We are completely open for suggestions to integrate other input
languages and model-checking tools. However, chances are that
we will not be able to add them ourselves; this will have to
be done in co-operation with others.
We regard the Model-checking Kit as an open platform. Anyone who
is interested in adding new languages and/or tools is cordially
invited to do so. For this reason, we regard ourselves as moderators
of the project, rather than the owners. We will just check that new
languages and checkers fit into the spirit of the tool-collection,
e.g. new languages should have a safe Petri net semantics etc.
The following paragraphs outline what you should do if you plan
to extend the Kit:
- Contact us.
Although you're not strictly required to do so, it would be beneficial
for both sides: We can keep an overview of the planned extensions and
make sure that they fit together; moreover we can give you additional advice,
information on latest developments and so on.
- Download the sources from the Installation
- Depending on what you are about to do, read one or both of these chapters:
- Make the desired additions to the program. If you have any questions,
please feel free to ask us for assistance. When you're done, please send
your code to us for integration into the main distribution.
- Some hints on programming style:
- Please try to put new code into separate files. This will help us
a great deal when adding new stuff and with version management.
- Give your global symbols (variables, functions etc) unique names,
e.g. give them some prefix. This will help avoid name conflicts.