This page will be updated whenever there is something new to report
about the Kit; in particular, whenever a new version becomes available.
- New version 1.4.0 (Linux and source distribution)
- Support for PNML input language added (implementation by Julian Bart)
- Added support for Claus Schröter's reachability checker based on
complement places (
comp-reach )
- Upgraded Mole to version 1.0.2
- New version 1.3.1 (all distributions)
spin-reach would find deadlocks in addition to the
desired target states; fixed
- New version 1.3.0 (all distributions)
- LoLA tools added by
Karsten Schmidt
doc/lola/loladoku.txt )
spin-reach checker now uses the breadth-first search option
(effective only if Spin v4 or higher is used)
- Most unfolding-based algorithms now use the Mole
unfolder (see
doc/pep/mole.txt )
- Test script improved
- The Linux distribution now requires gcc 3.2 or higher
(for the Prod checkers)
- New version 1.2.0 (all distributions)
- DSSZ tools added by
Alex Tovchigrechko
- Test script added (see
mckit/examples/test.pl )
- Mcsmodels upgraded to version 1.7
- Stopped support for interactive mode (see
mckit/src/console.c )
- Some minor bugfixes
- New version 1.1.6 (all distributions).
- Made the Kit compatible with Spin versions above 3.4.
- New version 1.1.5 (source distribution only).
- Fixed various compilation problems with new versions of gcc and bison.
- Web site moved to new location at Stuttgart.
- Created special binary distribution for gcc 3.2
(prod didn't run with normal Linux distribution, thanks
Oscar Rebeiro for reporting this)
- New version 1.1.4 (source, Linux and Solaris distribution).
- Fixed a bug in the driver for Spin when no partitions were available.
- New version 1.1.3 (source, Linux and Solaris distribution).
- Fixed a bug in the formula parser for B(PN)2.
- New version 1.1.2 (source, Linux and Solaris distribution).
- Support for
clp deadlock checker added.
- Several bugs fixed.
- New version 1.1.0 (source, Linux and Solaris distribution).
- New input language
IF added (preliminary support).
- New checker
spin-ltl added.
- New version 1.0.6 (source and Solaris distribution).
- Some tools (prod, smv) were upgraded to their new versions.
- Use of ranlib in prod eliminated.
- There is a new version (1.0.4) available which is compatible
with Solaris 2.5.1.
- Also available for the first time is a Linux version.
It has all the functionality of the Solaris version but is missing
apnn-ctl checker.
- Both new versions are available on the
Installation page.
Next chapter: How to install the Kit