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unilogo University of Stuttgart 
Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Science

JCL - A Test and Verification Environment for Java Programs



The Java Coverage Library is an Eclipse plug-in for generating coverage information from Java programs. It employs jMoped to obtain reachability information from Java programs, trying to cover as many statements as possible. Additionally, assertion statements and other exception checks in Java programs can be checked for all possible input values in a finite range. The library also generates JUnit test cases for failed assertions or other covered program points of interest. Details are described in Felix Berger's diploma thesis.



Download the files listed above and follow the instructions given in the user manual (Section 4.2 of the thesis).


  • 17.10.06: First public release


The Java Coverage Library was written by Felix Berger; it is currently maintained by Dejvuth Suwimonteerabuth and Stefan Schwoon.
