

fmmin -- compute the minimal machine


fmmin fm

fmmin <fm


fmmin computes the minimal machine that accepts the same language as fm, and writes the result on the standard output. fmmin returns 0 if the input machine is non-deterministic. The machine can be made deterministic by first filtering it with fmdeterm. fmmin uses Hopcroft's partition algorithm. It removes unreachable states.

fm must conform to the Grail format for machines.


% cat dfm
(START) |- 0
0 a 1
0 b 2
1 c 1
2 c 2
1 d 3
2 d 4
3 -| (FINAL)
4 -| (FINAL)

% fmmin dfm
(START) |- 1
1 a 2
1 b 2
2 c 2
2 d 0
0 -| (FINAL)

% cat nfm2
(START) |- 1
1 a 2
1 a 3
1 a 4
2 -| (FINAL)
3 -| (FINAL)
4 -| (FINAL)

% cat nfm2 | fmdeterm | fmmin
(START) |- 1
1 a 0 
0 -| (FINAL) 


Darrell Raymond and Derick Wood, the Grail project

See also

fm(5), fmminrev(1), fmdeterm(1)