Lehrangebot Wintersemester 2010/2011
Abteilung Rechnerarchitektur
- Rechnerorganisation [3V] (Wunderlich)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Di | 11:30-13:00 | V38.04 |
Do | 11:30-13:00 (14-tg.) | V38.04 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Bachelor - 3. Semester), Softwaretechnik (Bachelor - 3. Semester)
- Rechnerorganisation [1Ü] (Wunderlich / Wagner)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Mi | 08:00-09:30 (14-tg.) | 0.453 |
Mi | 08:00-09:30 (14-tg.) | 0.457 |
Mi | 09:45-11:15 (14-tg.) | 0.447 |
Fr | 14:00-15:30 (14-tg.) | 0.363 |
Fr | 15:45-17:15 (14-tg.) | 0.363 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Bachelor - 3. Semester), Softwaretechnik (Bachelor - 3. Semester)
- Hardware Verification and Quality Assessment [3V] (Wunderlich / Holst)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Fr | 11:30-13:00 | V38.02 |
Mo | 14:00-15:30 (14-tg.) | 0.457 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), Softwaretechnik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), M.Sc. Information Technology
- Hardware Verification and Quality Assessment [1Ü] (Wunderlich / Holst)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Mo | 14:00-15:30 (14-tg.) | 0.457 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), Softwaretechnik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), M.Sc. Information Technology
- Fachpraktikum Elements of High-Performance RISC Processors - Design and Synthesis [4Ü] (Wunderlich / Elm / Baranowski)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Fr | 09:45-11:15 | ITI-3.175 |
Fr | 11:30-13:00 | ITI-3.175 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), M.Sc. Information Technology
- Kolloquium Rechnerarchitektur (ab 7.12. in 38.04) [2K] (Wunderlich / Wiss.MA)
- Termin:
Zeit |
Raum |
Di | 15:45-17:15 | V38.04 |
Do | 15:45-17:15 | V47.06 |
- Zielgruppe: Informatik (Diplom - Hauptstudium), Softwaretechnik (Diplom - Hauptstudium)