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G. Smolka. The Oz programming model. In J. van Leeuwen, editor, Computer Science Today, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 324-343. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.

M. Henz and J. Würtz. Using Oz for college time tabling. In E.K.Burke and P.Ross, editors, The Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling: The Selected Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling, Edinburgh, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1153, pages 162-177. Springer-Verlag, 1995.

K. W. Ng and C. K. Luk. I tex2html_wrap_inline51 : A multiparadigm language for object-oriented declarative programming. Computer Languages, 21(8):81-100, 1995.

J.H.M. Lee and P.K.C. Pun. Object logic integration: a multiparadigm design methodology and a programming language. Computer Languages, 23(1):25-42, 1997.

A. Ciampolini, E. Lamma, C. Stefanelli, and P. Mello. Distributed logic objects. Computer Languages, 22(4):237-258, 1996.

J. Malenfant, G. Lapalme, and J. Vaucher. Objvprolog-d: distributed object-oriented programming in logic. Object Oriented Systems, 3(2):61-86, 1996.

K. Shaalan, S. Haridi, S. El-Gamal, and A. Rafea. Akl+: a concurrent language based on object-oriented and logic programming paradigms. Egyptian Computer Journal, 23(1):30-51, 1995.

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V. Loia and M. Quaggetto. The OPLA system: designing complex systems in an object-oriented logic programming framework. Computer Journal, 39(1):20-35, 1996.

V. Ambriola, G. A. Cignoni, and L. Semini. A proposal to merge multiple tuple spaces, object orientation, and logic programming. Computer Languages, 22(2-3):79-93, 1997.

D. S. Dahl, S. Pearson, and C. W. Preist. An agent communication platform developed in object oriented Prolog. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Practical Application of Prolog, pages 117-132, 1997.

H. Ait-Kaci, A. Podelski, and S. C. Goldstein. Order-sorted feature theory unification. Journal of Logic Programming, 30(2):99-124, 1997.

Heribert Schlebbe
Thu Mar 26 12:42:16 MET 1998