A Georgian, Russian, English and German Valency Lexicon for Natural Language Processing

(INTAS Georgia Project, INTAS 1921)


GREG was an INTAS Georgia project between the Intelligent Systems Group of the Computer Science Department at the University of Stuttgart (coordinator), the Information Technology Research Institute at the University of Brighton, the Computational Lexicography Group, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Tbilisi State University, and the Institute of Linguistics, Georgian Academy of Sciences.

The goal of the GREG project was to develop a multilingual valency lexicon that is suitable for use in various NLP-applications. It contains contain syntactic and semantic valency patterns for about 1000 verbal equivalents from English, Georgian, German and Russian. Syntactic valency patterns are specified in terms of subcategorization frames; semantic valency patterns draw on the thematic (or functional) roles as introduced by Halliday, Chafe, Longacre and others.

Both the micro and the macro structure of the lexicon follow the general principles for an efficient representation of multilingual valency lexica that have also been developed in the project. The representation formalism used to encode the GREG lexicon is DATR.

Duration The project started in March 1999 and terminated in August 2001.

Participants The following people were involved in the project:
Lynne Cahill (ITRI) Stefan Klatt (AIS)
Roger Evans (ITRI) Nunu Koshkelashvili (COMPLEX)
Marina Jikia (IL/GAS) Nelli Mamaladze (IL/GAS)
Nunu Kapanadze (IL/GAS) Guram Mosashvili (IL/GAS)
Oleg Kapanadze (COMPLEX) Natia Nishnianidze (COMPLEX)
Adam Kilgarriff (ITRI) Leo Wanner (AIS)

The project was coordinated by Egbert Lehmann (AIS)

GREG Resources (DATR-encoded subcategorization and case frame lexica will be made available shortly)

Contact You can reach us by email at greg@isis.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de

See also ITRI's and COMPLEX's web pages for this project.

Maintained by (Leo.Wanner@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de).
Created March 2000
Last modified November 8th 2002.

©Institut für Intelligente Systeme