Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS)


An overview of publications of the Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems.

Publications AS: Bibliography 2017 BibTeX

@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-70,
   author = {Jan K{\"o}nigsberger and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Business Objects plus (BO+): An Approach to Enhance Service Reuse and Integration in Cross-Domain SOA Compounds}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration},
   editor = {Chengcui Zhang and Balaji Palanisamy and Latifur Khan and Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani},
   address = {Los Alamitos, Washington, Tokyo},
   publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {49--58},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {August},
   year = {2017},
   doi = {10.1109/IRI.2017.28},
   isbn = {978-1-5386-1562-1},
   keywords = {SOA, data model, abstraction, service interface, business objects},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {E.2 Data Storage Representations,     H.3.5 Online Information Services},
   ee = {},
   contact = {Jan K{\"o}nigsberger},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-66,
   author = {Andreas Bader and Oliver Kopp},
   title = {{Towards DBCloudBench - A Scenario-Based Database Benchmarking Framework}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented Computing},
   editor = {Johanna Barzen and Rania Khalaf and Frank Leymann and Bernhard Mitschang},
   publisher = {IBM Research Report},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {IBM Research Report},
   volume = {RC25670 (WAT1710-015)},
   pages = {53--5456},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {October},
   year = {2017},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {,!OpenDocument},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Many benchmarks can be used for measuring performance of different types of databases. To automate the process of benchmark- ing databases, this paper outlines DBCloudBench. It can be used to automatically setup a scenario and perform a benchmark run using a standards-based approach. The databases and benchmarks are stored in {\^a}€cloud services archives{\^a}€¯ allowing them to be reused and combined as necessary. Each benchmark is accompanied with an adapter for running the benchmark on certain database systems while using DBCloudBench.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-49,
   author = {Eva Hoos and Matthias Wieland and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Analysis Method for Conceptual Context Modeling Applied in Production Environments}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS)},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {313--325},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {May},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Context-awareness; production environments; Industry 4.0},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {J.1 Administration Data Processing},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-48,
   author = {Eva Hoos and Pascal Hirmer and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Context-Aware Decision Information Packages: An Approach to Human-Centric Smart Factories}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS)},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing AG 2017},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {42--56},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {August},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Industry 4.0; Context-awareness; Data Provisioning; Smart Factory},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-41,
   author = {Matthias Wieland and Frank Steimle and Bernhard Mitschang and Dominik Lucke and Peter Einberger and Daniel Schel and Michael Luckert and Thomas Bauernhansl},
   title = {{Rule-Based Integration of Smart Services Using the Manufacturing Service Bus}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC2017)},
   address = {Fremont, USA},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {1--8},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {August},
   year = {2017},
   doi = {10.1109/UIC-ATC.2017.8397529},
   keywords = {Rules; Integration; Manufacturing; Smart Factory; Industrie 4.0; Manufacturing Service Bus},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General,     I.2.1 Applications and Expert Systems},
   ee = {},
   contact = {Senden Sie eine E-Mail an},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Factories have to adapt permanently to changing situations in order to stay competitive. Premise to achieve this objective is up-to-date information on all levels of a factory and during the product life cycle, so that men and machine can optimize their activities according to their tasks. One approach to implement this economically is the massive application of sensors and information and communication technologies (ICT) leading to a Smart Factory. This process and related applications are summarized under the term of the forth industrial revolution (Industrie 4.0). It demands a flexible and easy-to-use integration of assets on the shop floor with ICT systems. The contribution of this paper is the MIALinx system that enables all these steps. The steps range from the integration to the sensing and analyzing of the sensor data to the execution of required actions. Furthermore, MIALinx provides an abstract rule based approach for users to model the behavior of the system. The presented system is based on concepts and technologies of the Internet of Things and service-oriented middleware. The main users targeted with our system are small and medium-sized enterprises that do not have the expertise or the investment possibilities to invest in completely new Industrie 4.0 systems but rather use their existing production assets and enrich them to achieve Industrie 4.0 capability.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-40,
   author = {Eva Hoos and Pascal Hirmer and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Improving Problem Resolving on the Shop Floor by Context-Aware Decision Information Packages}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the CAiSE 2017 Forum},
   editor = {Xavier Franch and Jolita Ralyt{\'e}},
   address = {Essen},
   publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {121--128},
   type = {Workshop Paper},
   month = {June},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Industry 4.0; Context-Awareness; Engineering},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {J.1 Administration Data Processing},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-38,
   author = {Christian Weber and Jan K{\"o}nigsberger and Laura Kassner and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{M2DDM – A Maturity Model for Data-Driven Manufacturing}},
   booktitle = {Manufacturing Systems 4.0 – Proceedings of the 50th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP CMS); Taichung, Taiwan, May 3-5, 2017},
   editor = {Mitchell M. Tseng and Hung-Yin Tsai and Yue Wang},
   publisher = {Elsevier},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {Procedia CIRP},
   volume = {63},
   pages = {173--178},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {July},
   year = {2017},
   doi = {},
   issn = {2212-8271},
   keywords = {Maturity Model; Industrie 4.0; Industrial Internet; Reference Architectures; Digital Twin; Edge Analytics},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.1.0 Information Systems Models and Principles General,     H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-32,
   author = {Christoph Stach and Frank D{\"u}rr and Kai Mindermann and Saravana Murthy Palanisamy and Muhammad Adnan Tariq and Bernhard Mitschang and Stefan Wagner},
   title = {{PATRON - Datenschutz in Datenstromverarbeitungssystemen}},
   booktitle = {Informatik 2017: Digitale Kulturen, Tagungsband der 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI), 25.09. - 29.09.2017, Technische Universit{\"a}t Chemnitz},
   publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI)},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {LNI},
   pages = {1--12},
   type = {Workshop Paper},
   month = {September},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Datenschutz; Zugriffskontrolle; Datenstr{\"o}me; Internet der Dinge; Privatheit; Sensoren},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {K.4.1 Computers and Society Public Policy Issues,     D.4.6 Operating Systems Security and Protection},
   contact = {Senden Sie eine E-Mail an},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Technology, Software Engineering;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Angetrieben durch die stetig voranschreitende Digitalisierung gewinnt das Internet der Dinge (engl. IoT) immer mehr an Bedeutung. Im IoT werden technische Ger{\"a}te mit unterschiedlichen Sensoren ausgestattet und miteinander vernetzt. Dadurch werden neuartige Anwendungen beispielsweise im Bereich E-Health erm{\"o}glicht, in denen Sensordaten miteinander kombiniert und so in h{\"o}herwertige Informationen umgewandelt werden. Die von diesen Anwendungen abgeleiteten Informationen verraten viel {\"u}ber den Nutzer und m{\"u}ssen daher besonders gesch{\"u}tzt werden. H{\"a}ufig hat der Nutzer allerdings keine Kontrolle {\"u}ber die Verarbeitung seiner Daten, ganz davon zu schweigen, dass er das Ausma{\ss} und die Art der daraus ableitbaren Informationen nicht ermessen kann. In diesem Artikel stellen wir daher einen neuartigen Kontrollmechanismus vor, der private Informationen im IoT sch{\"u}tzt. Anstelle von abstrakten Datenschutzregeln f{\"u}r einzelne Sensoren definiert der Nutzer Muster, die es zu sch{\"u}tzen gilt. Ein Muster kann beispielsweise eine Kombination aus Messwerten sein, die auf eine bestimmte Krankheit schlie{\ss}en lassen. Der Nutzer definiert die zu verheimlichenden Informationen nat{\"u}rlichsprachlich, und ein Dom{\"a}nenexperte setzt diese in formale Regeln um. Sind diese Regeln zu restriktiv, so kann die Anwendung ihre angedachte Funktionalit{\"a}t nicht erbringen. Daher muss bez{\"u}glich der Servicequalit{\"a}t ein Kompromiss zwischen gew{\"u}nschter Privatheit und ben{\"o}tigter Funktionalit{\"a}t gefunden werden.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-28,
   author = {Ana Cristina Franco da Silva and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Pascal Hirmer and K{\'a}lm{\'a}n K{\'e}pes and Oliver Kopp and Frank Leymann and Bernhard Mitschang and Ronald Steinke},
   title = {{Internet of Things Out of the Box: Using TOSCA for Automating the Deployment of IoT Environments}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER)},
   editor = {Donald Ferguson and V{\'\i}ctor M{\'e}ndez Mu{\~n}oz and Jorge Cardoso and Markus Helfert and Claus Pahl},
   publisher = {SciTePress Digital Library},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {ScitePress},
   volume = {1},
   pages = {358--367},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {June},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-989-758-243-1},
   doi = {10.5220/0006243303580367},
   keywords = {Internet of Things; TOSCA; Application Deployment; Device Software},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {K.6 Management of Computing and Information Systems,     D.2.12 Software Engineering Interoperability},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-27,
   author = {C. Timurhan Sungur and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Oliver Kopp and Frank Leymann and Andreas Wei{\ss}},
   title = {{Identifying Relevant Resources and Relevant Capabilities of Informal Processes}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017)},
   publisher = {SciTePress},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {295--307},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {April},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Informal Processes; Unstructured Processes; Resource Discovery; Capability Discovery; Relevant Resources; Relevant Capabilities},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation,     H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval,     H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software,     H.5.3 Group and Organization Interfaces},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-26,
   author = {Corinna Giebler and Christoph Stach},
   title = {{Datenschutzmechanismen f{\"u}r Gesundheitsspiele am Beispiel von Secure Candy Castle}},
   booktitle = {Tagungsband der 15. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web},
   editor = {Bernhard Mitschang and Daniela Nicklas and Frank Leymann and Harald Sch{\"o}ning and Melanie Herschel and Jens Teubner and Theo H{\"a}rder and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland},
   publisher = {GI},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)},
   volume = {265},
   pages = {311--320},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-659-6},
   keywords = {mHealth-Apps; Datensicherheit; Datenschutz; Datenintegration; Interoperabilit{\"a}t},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {J.3 Life and Medical Sciences,     K.4.1 Computers and Society Public Policy Issues},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Smartphones sind mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil des modernen Lebens. Sie erzeugen, speichern und verarbeiten eine Vielzahl an privaten Daten. Auch im Gesundheitssektor werden sie zunehmend eingesetzt; die dabei entstehenden Daten sind besonders sch{\"u}tzenswert. In dieser Arbeit werden daher Konzepte eingef{\"u}hrt, die Nutzern die Kontrolle {\"u}ber ihre Gesundheitsdaten geben. Zu diesem Zweck wird Secure Candy Castle, ein Spiel f{\"u}r Kinder mit einer Diabeteserkrankung, das mit einem Berechtigungsmanagementsystem verbunden ist, vorgestellt. Der Nutzer kann den Funktionsumfang des Spiels einschr{\"a}nken, wodurch die App weniger Berechtigungen erh{\"a}lt. Zus{\"a}tzlich werden f{\"u}r SCC Komponenten entwickelt, die die Interoperabilit{\"a}t von Smartphones mit medizinischen Messger{\"a}ten verbessert. Die Evaluation zeigt, dass mit SCC alle aktuellen Probleme von Gesundheits-Apps adressiert werden. Die Konzepte sind generisch und lassen sich auf beliebige andere Gesundheits-Apps anwenden.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-25,
   author = {Karoline Saatkamp and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Oliver Kopp and Frank Leymann},
   title = {{Topology Splitting and Matching for Multi-Cloud Deployments}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017)},
   publisher = {SciTePress},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {247--258},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {April},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-989-758-243-1},
   keywords = {Application Deployment; Distribution; Splitting; Cloud Computing; TOSCA},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {G.0 Mathematics of Computing General,     H.0 Information Systems General},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {For automating the deployment of applications in cloud environments, a variety of deployment automation technologies have been developed in recent years. These technologies enable specifying the desired deployment in the form of deployment models, which can be automatically executed. However, changing internal or external conditions often lead to strategical decisions that must be reflected in all deployment models of a company’s IT. Unfortunately, while creating such deployment models is difficult, adapting them is even harder as typically a variety of technologies must be replaced. In this paper, we present the Split and Match Method that enables splitting a deployment model following a manually specified distribution on the business layer. The method also enables automatically deploying the resulting model without the need for a manual intervention and, thus, significantly eases reflecting strategical decisions on the technical deployment layer. We present a formalization and algorithms to automate the steps of the method. Moreover, we validate the practical feasibility of the presented concepts by a prototype based on the TOSCA standard and the OpenTOSCA ecosystem.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-21,
   author = {Tim Waizenegger and Frank Wagner and Cataldo Mega},
   title = {{SDOS: Using Trusted Platform Modules for Secure Cryptographic Deletion in the Swift Object Store}},
   booktitle = {Proc. 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 21-24, 2017 - Venice, Italy},
   publisher = {},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {550--553},
   type = {Demonstration},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-89318-073-8},
   keywords = {secure data deletion; cryptographic deletion; data erasure; records management; retention management; key management; data shredding; trusted platform module; TPM},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {E.3 Data Encryption},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-20,
   author = {Tim Waizenegger},
   title = {{Secure Cryptographic Deletion in the Swift Object Store}},
   booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme (DBIS), 6.-10. M{\"a}rz 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
   publisher = {GI},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {625--628},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-659-6},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {E.3 Data Encryption},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-19,
   author = {Tim Waizenegger},
   title = {{BTW 2017 Data Science Challenge (SDSC17)}},
   booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme (DBIS), 6.-10. M{\"a}rz 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, Workshopband},
   publisher = {GI},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {405--406},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-660-2},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {A.0 General Literature, General},
   ee = {,},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Im Rahmen der Data Science Challenge haben Studierende und Doktoranden die M{\"o}glichkeit, einen eigenen Ansatz zur Cloud-basierten Datenanalyse zu entwickeln und damit gegen andere Teilnehmer anzutreten. Auf der BTW2017 in Stuttgart pr{\"a}sentieren die Teilnehmer Ihre Ergebnisse die von einer Fachjury aus Forschung und Industrie bewertet werden. Die Gewinner, sowie die N{\"a}chstplatzierten, werden mit einem Preisgeld honoriert.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-18,
   author = {Cornelia Kiefer},
   title = {{Die Gratwanderung zwischen qualitativ hochwertigen und einfach zu erstellenden dom{\"a}nenspezifischen Textanalysen}},
   booktitle = {GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017) Workshopband},
   editor = {B. Mitschang et al.},
   address = {Bonn},
   publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {99--104},
   type = {Workshop Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {Textanalyse, Datenqualit{\"a}t, Analysequalit{\"a}t, {\"u}berwachte maschinelle Lernverfahren, Textanalyse in den Geisteswissenschaften},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H.3 Information Storage and Retrieval},
   ee = {,},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Die Textanalyse ist zu einem entscheidenden Werkzeug in verschiedenen Dom{\"a}nen wie den Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften sowie auch in der Industrie geworden. Eine der gr{\"o}{\ss}ten Herausforderungen bei dom{\"a}nenspezifischen Textanalyseprojekten besteht darin, das Wissen aus den Bereichen IT und Text Mining mit dem Wissen aus der Dom{\"a}ne zusammenzubringen. Viele Textanalysetoolkits werden deshalb speziell f{\"u}r den Gebrauch durch Dom{\"a}nenexperten ohne oder mit wenig IT und Textanalysewissen vereinfacht. In diesem Beitrag diskutieren wir, inwiefern diese Vereinfachungen zu Qualit{\"a}tsproblemen bei der Analyse von unsauberen Daten f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-13,
   author = {Marc H{\"u}ffmeyer and Pascal Hirmer and Bernhard Mitschang and Ulf Schreier and Matthias Wieland},
   title = {{SitAC – A System for Situation-aware Access Control - Controlling Access to Sensor Data}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy},
   editor = {Paolo Mori and Steven Furnell and Olivier Camp},
   address = {Porto, Portugal},
   publisher = {SciTePress},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {ScitePress},
   volume = {1},
   pages = {113--125},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-989-758-209-7},
   keywords = {Authorization; Attribute based Access Control; Situation-awareness; REST; Internet of Things},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {J.6 Computer-Aided Engineering,     H.3.1 Content Analysis and Indexing},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-12,
   author = {Christian Endres and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Michael Falkenthal and Oliver Kopp and Frank Leymann and Johannes Wettinger},
   title = {{Declarative vs. Imperative: Two Modeling Patterns for the Automated Deployment of Applications}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS)},
   publisher = {Xpert Publishing Services},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {22--27},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {February},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-1-61208-534-0},
   keywords = {Modeling Patterns; Application Deployment and Management; Automation; Cloud Computing},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {C.0 Computer Systems Organization, General,     D.2.9 Software Engineering Management,     D.2.13 Software Engineering Reusable Software},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {In the field of cloud computing, the automated deployment of applications is of vital importance and supported by diverse management technologies. However, currently there is no systematic knowledge collection that points out commonalities, capabilities, and differences of these approaches. This paper aims at identifying common modeling principles employed by technologies to create automatically executable models that describe the deployment of applications. We discuss two fundamental approaches for modeling the automated deployment of applications: imperative procedural models and declarative models. For these two approaches, we identified (i) basic pattern primitives and (ii) documented these approaches as patterns that point out frequently occurring problems in certain contexts including proven modeling solutions. The introduced patterns foster the understanding of common application deployment concepts, are validated regarding their occurrence in established state-of-the-art technologies, and enable the transfer of that knowledge.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-11,
   author = {Pascal Hirmer},
   title = {{Effizienz-Optimierung daten-intensiver Data Mashups am Beispiel von Map-Reduce}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings der Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW}, 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs, Workshopband},
   editor = {Bernhard Mitschang and Norbert Ritter and Holger Schwarz and Meike Klettke and Andreas Thor and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland},
   address = {Stuttgart},
   publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik (GI)},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {LNI},
   volume = {P-266},
   pages = {111--116},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-660-2},
   keywords = {Data Mashups; Map-Reduce; Big Data; Effizienzoptimierung},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {E.0 Data General,     H.2 Database Management,     H.3 Information Storage and Retrieval,     H.4 Information Systems Applications},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Data Mashup-Ans{\"a}tze und -Tools bieten einen einfachen und schnellen Weg, um Daten zu verarbeiten und zu analysieren. {\"U}ber eine grafische Oberfl{\"a}che k{\"o}nnen dabei -- in der Regel grafisch -- Datenquellen und Datenoperationen sowie der Datenfluss einfach modelliert werden. Hierdurch ergeben sich vor allem Vorteile durch einfache Bedienbarkeit durch Dom{\"a}nennutzer sowie einer explorativen Vorgehensweise. Jedoch legen vorhandene Data Mashup-Ans{\"a}tze und -Tools wenig Wert auf die Effizienz der Ausf{\"u}hrung, was dadurch begr{\"u}ndet wird, dass durch Data Mashups in der Regel kleine Datenmengen verarbeitet werden. Zu Zeiten von Big Data gilt dies jedoch nicht mehr; schon scheinbar kleine Szenarien enthalten oftmals eine Vielzahl an Daten. Um mit diesem Problem zuk{\"u}nftig umzugehen, stellen wir in diesem Paper eine Konzeptidee am Beispiel von Map-Reduce vor, mit der die Ausf{\"u}hrung von Data Mashups bzgl. Effizienz optimiert werden kann.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-06,
   author = {Andreas Bader and Oliver Kopp and Michael Falkenthal},
   title = {{Survey and Comparison of Open Source Time Series Databases}},
   booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW2017) -- Workshopband},
   editor = {Bernhard Mitschang and Norbert Ritter and Holger Schwarz and Meike Klettke and Andreas Thor and Oliver Kopp and Matthieas Wieland},
   publisher = {K{\"o}llen Druck+Verlag GmbH},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)},
   volume = {P-266},
   pages = {249--268},
   type = {Workshop Paper},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-660-2},
   issn = {1617-5468},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.2.4 Database Management Systems,     H.3.4 Information Storage and Retrieval Systems and Software,     C.2.4 Distributed Systems},
   ee = {,},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-05,
   author = {Laura Kassner and Pascal Hirmer and Matthias Wieland and Frank Steimle and Jan K{\"o}nigsberger and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{The Social Factory: Connecting People, Machines and Data in Manufacturing for Context-Aware Exception Escalation}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences},
   publisher = {Online},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   pages = {1--10},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-0-9981331-0-2},
   keywords = {decision support; internet of things; smart manufacturing; social media; text analytics},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {E.0 Data General,     H.2 Database Management,     H.3 Information Storage and Retrieval,     H.4 Information Systems Applications},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Manufacturing environments are socio-technical systems $\backslash$ where people have to interact with machines to achieve $\backslash$ a common goal. The goal of the fourth industrial revolution is $\backslash$ to improve their flexibility for mass customization and rapidly $\backslash$ changing production conditions. As a contribution towards $\backslash$ this goal, we introduce the Social Factory: a social network $\backslash$ with a powerful analytics backend to improve the connection $\backslash$ between the persons working in the production environment, $\backslash$ the manufacturing machines, and the data that is created $\backslash$ in the process. We represent machines, people and chatbots $\backslash$ for information provisioning as abstract users in the social $\backslash$ network. We enable natural language based communication between $\backslash$ them and provide a rich knowledge base and automated $\backslash$ problem solution suggestions. Access to complex production $\backslash$ environments thus becomes intuitive, cooperation among users $\backslash$ improves and problems are resolved more easily.},
   url = {}
@inproceedings {INPROC-2017-04,
   author = {Matthias Wieland and Pascal Hirmer and Frank Steimle and Christoph Gr{\"o}ger and Bernhard Mitschang and Eike Rehder and Dominik Lucke and Omar Abdul Rahman and Thomas Bauernhansl},
   title = {{Towards a Rule-Based Manufacturing Integration Assistant}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP-CMS 2016); Stuttgart, Germany, May 25-27, 2016},
   editor = {Engelbert Westk{\"a}mper and Thomas Bauernhansl},
   publisher = {Elsevier},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {Procedia CIRP},
   volume = {57},
   pages = {213--218},
   type = {Conference Paper},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.037},
   keywords = {Rules; Integration; Manufacturing; Smart-Factory; Industrie 4.0},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General,     J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering,     I.2.1 Applications and Expert Systems,     I.2.4 Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Recent developments and steadily declining prices in ICT enable an economic application of advanced digital tools in wide areas of manufacturing. Solutions based on concepts and technologies of the Internet of Things¯ or Cyber Physical Systems can be used to implement monitoring as well as self-organization of production, maintenance or logistics processes. However, integration of new digital tools in existing heterogeneous manufacturing IT systems and integration of machines and devices into manufacturing environments is an expensive and tedious task. Therefore, integration issues on IT and manufacturing level significantly prevent agile manufacturing. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the expertise or the investment possibilities to realize such an integration. To tackle this issue, we present the approach of the Manufacturing Integration Assistant - MIALinx. The objective is to develop and implement a lightweight and easy-to-use integration solution for small and medium-sized enterprises based on recent web automation technologies. MIALinx aims to simplify the integration using simple programmable, flexible and reusable IF-THEN rules that connect occurring situations in manufacturing, such as a machine break down, with corresponding actions, e.g., an automatic maintenance order generation. For this purpose, MIALinx connects sensors and actuators based on defined rules whereas the rule set is defined in a domain-specific, easy-to-use manner to enable rule modeling by domain experts. Through the definition of rule sets, the workers{\^a}€™ knowledge can be also externalized. Using manufacturing-approved cloud computing technologies, we enable robustness, security, and a low-effort, low-cost integration of MIALinx into existing manufacturing environments to provide advanced digital tools also for small and medium-sized enterprises.},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2017-10,
   author = {Ana Cristina Franco da Silva and Pascal Hirmer and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Oliver Kopp and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Customization and provisioning of complex event processing using TOSCA}},
   journal = {Computer Science - Research and Development},
   publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
   pages = {1--11},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {September},
   year = {2017},
   issn = {1865-2042},
   issn = {1865-2034},
   doi = {10.1007/s00450-017-0386-z},
   keywords = {Internet of Things; Complex event processing; Customization; TOSCA},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {K.6 Management of Computing and Information Systems,     D.2.12 Software Engineering Interoperability},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2017-09,
   author = {Pascal Hirmer and Michael Behringer and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{Partial execution of Mashup Plans during modeling time}},
   journal = {Computer Science - Research and Development},
   publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
   pages = {1--12},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {September},
   year = {2017},
   issn = {1865-2034},
   issn = {1865-2042},
   doi = {10.1007/s00450-017-0388-x},
   keywords = {Workflows; Modeling; BPEL; Partial execution; Data Mashups},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.2.8 Database Applications,     H.3.0 Information Storage and Retrieval General,     E.1 Data Structures},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2017-07,
   author = {Christian Weber and Jan K{\"o}nigsberger},
   title = {{Industrie 4.0: Aktuelle Entwicklungen f{\"u}r Analytics - Teil 2: Vergleich und Bewertung von Industrie 4.0-Referenzarchitekturen}},
   journal = {wt Werkstattstechnik online},
   publisher = {Springer-VDI-Verlag},
   volume = {107},
   number = {6},
   pages = {405--409},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {June},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {IT Architecture; Analytics; Edge Analytics; Big Data; Smart Manufacturing; Industrie 4.0; Industrial Internet},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General,     J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering,     J.6 Computer-Aided Engineering},
   ee = {[article_id]=87256},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Die Verarbeitung gro{\ss}er Datenmengen sowie die Erkenntnis, dass Datenanalysen eine hohe Relevanz haben, sind in den produzierenden Unternehmen angekommen. Bekannte Anwendungsbeispiele sind Digital Mock-Up in der Produktentwicklung oder Prozessoptimierung durch Predictive Maintenance. Die in letzter Zeit entwickelten Referenzarchitekturen in diesen breitgef{\"a}cherten Themenfeldern betrachten dementsprechend verschiedene Aspekte in unterschiedlichen Auspr{\"a}gungen. Dieser aus zwei Teilen bestehende Beitrag rekapituliert und bewertet diese Entwicklungen, um Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung ihrer eigenen individuellen Architektur Hilfestellung zu geben. Im ersten Teil des Beitrags (Ausgabe 3-2017: wt Werkstattstechnik online) wurden aktuelle Referenzarchitekturen mit ihren Architekturbausteinen im Bereich Industrie 4.0 vorgestellt. In diesem zweiten Teil werden nun die Referenzarchitekturen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Themenfelder Analytics sowie Datenmanagement untersucht und bewertet.},
   url = {}
@article {ART-2017-02,
   author = {Christian Weber and Jan K{\"o}nigsberger},
   title = {{Industrie 4.0: Aktuelle Entwicklungen f{\"u}r Analytics - Teil 1: Analytics und Datenmanagement in Industrie 4.0-Referenzarchitekturen}},
   journal = {wt Werkstattstechnik online},
   address = {D{\"u}sseldorf},
   publisher = {Springer-VDI-Verlag},
   volume = {107},
   number = {3},
   pages = {113--117},
   type = {Article in Journal},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {IT Architecture; Analytics; Edge Analytics; Big Data; Smart Manufacturing; Industrie 4.0; Industrial Internet},
   language = {German},
   cr-category = {H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General,     J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering,     J.6 Computer-Aided Engineering},
   ee = {[article_id]=87256},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Die Verarbeitung gro{\ss}er Datenmengen sowie die hohe Relevanz von Datenanalysen sind in den produzierenden Unternehmen mittlerweile angekommen. Bekannte Anwendungsbeispiele sind Digital Mock-Up in der Produktentwicklung oder Prozessoptimierung durch Predictive Maintenance. Die in letzter Zeit entwickelten Referenzarchitekturen in diesen breitgef{\"a}cherten Themenfeldern betrachten dementsprechend verschiedene Aspekte in unterschiedlichen Auspr{\"a}gungen. Dieser aus zwei Teilen bestehende Fachbeitrag rekapituliert und bewertet diese Entwicklungen, um Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung ihrer eigenen individuellen Architektur Hilfestellung zu geben. Im Teil 1 werden aktuelle Referenzarchitekturen mit ihren Architekturbausteinen im Bereich Industrie 4.0 vorgestellt. Im zweiten Teil (Ausgabe 6-2017 der wt Werkstattstechnik online) werden die Referenzarchitekturen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Themenfelder Analytics sowie Datenmanagement untersucht und bewertet.},
   url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2017-04,
   author = {Laura Kassner and Christoph Gr{\"o}ger and Jan K{\"o}nigsberger and Eva Hoos and Cornelia Kiefer and Christian Weber and Stefan Silcher and Bernhard Mitschang},
   title = {{The Stuttgart IT Architecture for Manufacturing}},
   series = {Enterprise Information Systems: 18th International Conference, ICEIS 2016, Rome, Italy, April 25--28, 2016, Revised Selected Papers},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing},
   volume = {291},
   pages = {53--80},
   type = {Article in Book},
   month = {June},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-319-62386-3},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-62386-3_3},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.0 Information Systems Applications General,     D.2.12 Software Engineering Interoperability,     J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {The global conditions for manufacturing are rapidly changing towards shorter product life cycles, more complexity and more turbulence. The manufacturing industry must meet the demands of this shifting environment and the increased global competition by ensuring high product quality, continuous improvement of processes and increasingly flexible organization. Technological developments towards smart manufacturing create big industrial data which needs to be leveraged for competitive advantages. We present a novel IT architecture for data-driven manufacturing, the Stuttgart IT Architecture for Manufacturing (SITAM). It addresses the weaknesses of traditional manufacturing IT by providing IT systems integration, holistic data analytics and mobile information provisioning. The SITAM surpasses competing reference architectures for smart manufacturing because it has a strong focus on analytics and mobile integration of human workers into the smart production environment and because it includes concrete recommendations for technologies to implement it, thus filling a granularity gap between conceptual and case-based architectures. To illustrate the benefits of the SITAM{\^a}€™s prototypical implementation, we present an application scenario for value-added services in the automotive industry.},
   url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2017-03,
   author = {Christoph Stach and Frank Steimle and Ana Cristina Franco da Silva},
   title = {{TIROL: The Extensible Interconnectivity Layer for mHealth Applications}},
   series = {Information and Software Technologies: 23nd International Conference, ICIST 2017, Druskininkai, Lithuania, October 12-14, 2017, Proceedings},
   address = {Cham},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
   pages = {1--12},
   type = {Article in Book},
   month = {October},
   year = {2017},
   keywords = {mHealth; medical devices; harmonization; interconnectivity layer},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {K.4.1 Computers and Society Public Policy Issues,     J.3 Life and Medical Sciences},
   contact = {Senden Sie eine E-Mail an},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {The prevalence of various chronic conditions is on the rise. Periodic screenings and a persistent therapy are necessary in order to aid the patients. Increasing medical costs and overburdened physicians are the consequences. A telemedical self-management of the illness is considered as the answer to this problem. For this purpose mHealth applications, i.e., the synergy of common smartphones and medical metering devices, are vitally needed. However, poor device interoperability due to heterogeneous connectivity methods hamper the usage of such applications. For this very reason, we introduce the concept for an exTensible InteRcOnnectivity Layer (TIROL) to deal with the interconnectivity issues of mHealth applications. Furthermore, we present a prototypical implementation for TIROL to demonstrate the benefits of our approach.},
   url = {}
@inbook {INBOOK-2017-01,
   author = {Pascal Hirmer and Michael Behringer},
   title = {{FlexMash 2.0 – Flexible Modeling and Execution of Data Mashups}},
   series = {Rapid Mashup Development Tools - Second International Rapid Mashup Challenge, RMC 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6, 2016, Revised Selected Papers},
   publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
   series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
   volume = {696},
   pages = {10--29},
   type = {Article in Book},
   month = {January},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-319-53173-1},
   isbn = {978-3-319-53174-8},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-53174-8},
   issn = {1865-0929},
   keywords = {ICWE Rapid Mashup Challenge 2016; FlexMash; Data processing and integration; Pipes and Filters},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.2.8 Database Applications,     H.3.0 Information Storage and Retrieval General,     E.1 Data Structures},
   ee = {},
   contact = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {In recent years, the amount of data highly increases through cheap hardware, fast network technology, and the increasing digitization within most domains. The data produced is oftentimes heterogeneous, dynamic and originates from many highly distributed data sources. Deriving information and, as a consequence, knowledge from this data can lead to a higher effectiveness for problem solving and thus higher profits for companies. However, this is a great challenge {\^a}€“ oftentimes referred to as Big Data problem. The data mashup tool FlexMash, developed at the University of Stuttgart, tackles this challenge by offering a means for integration and processing of heterogeneous, dynamic data sources. By doing so, FlexMash focuses on (i) an easy means to model data integration and processing scenarios by domain-experts based on the Pipes and Filters pattern, (ii) a flexible execution based on the user{\^a}€™s non-functional requirements, and (iii) high extensibility to enable a generic approach. A first version of this tool was presented during the ICWE Rapid Mashup Challenge 2015. In this article, we present the new version FlexMash 2.0, which introduces new features such as cloud-based execution and human interaction during runtime. These concepts have been presented during the ICWE Rapid Mashup Challenge 2016.},
   url = {}
@proceedings {PROC-2017-06,
   editor = {Oliver Kopp and J{\"o}rg Lenhard and Cesare Pautasso},
   title = {{Proceedings of the 9th Central European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS 2017)}},
   publisher = {},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
   volume = {1826},
   pages = {92},
   type = {Proceedings},
   month = {May},
   year = {2017},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {},
   url = {}
@proceedings {PROC-2017-05,
   editor = {Bernhard Mitschang and Norbert Ritter and Holger Schwarz and Meike Klettke and Andreas Thor and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland},
   title = {{Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs ``Datenbanken und Informationssysteme'' (DBIS)}},
   publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI)},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {LNI},
   volume = {P266},
   pages = {410},
   type = {Proceedings},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-660-2},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017) -- Workshopband},
   url = {}
@proceedings {PROC-2017-04,
   editor = {Bernhard Mitschang and Daniela Nicklas and Frank Leymann and Harald Sch{\"o}ning and Melanie Herschel and Jens Teubner and Theo H{\"a}rder and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland},
   title = {{Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs ``Datenbanken und Informationssysteme'' (DBIS)}},
   publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V. (GI)},
   institution = {University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Germany},
   series = {LNI},
   volume = {P265},
   pages = {637},
   type = {Proceedings},
   month = {March},
   year = {2017},
   isbn = {978-3-88579-659-6},
   language = {English},
   cr-category = {H.4.1 Office Automation},
   ee = {},
   department = {University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems;     University of Stuttgart, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   abstract = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017)},
   url = {}
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